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WTS (미국 웨스트민스터 신학대학원) | CCEF (기독교 상담 교육 재단)

[CCEF] The Steady Stream of Foolish Words Said To Hurting People by Ed Welch

CCEF for Pastors from Ed Welch

We—the church—still say foolish things to those who are going through hardships. In response, hurting people still tend to be quick to overlook offenses, under the heading of “well intentioned,” though some comments can veer off from the naïve to the grossly insensitive. Those are harder to overlook. Church can be the most difficult place to go for those whose hardships are public.

Why does this happen, especially when there is so much good literature on the do’s and don’ts of care? There are at least two reasons.
Read more here
Hearing What Is Important
- blog by Ed Welch
Mistakes people can make when offering Scripture during counseling
- video by Mike Emlet

New Small Group Resource - Real Change

  • Short, Bible study-length lessons on biblical change 
  • Leader's guide included offering practical tips on facilitating groups and discussion
  • A concise introduction to key elements of CCEF's model of biblical change
Buy for 35% off at NGP

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