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WTS (미국 웨스트민스터 신학대학원) | CCEF (기독교 상담 교육 재단)

[CCEF] New Podcast Episode Season 2 (2022.3.11)

Season 2, Episode 6:

How Do We Think Biblically About Conversion Therapy?

"Our way forward as Christians is to follow the path of faith, to struggle in the right direction, to resist feelings that say, 'This is right and natural.' Instead we say, 'Lord, help me follow you despite my feelings that are trying to pull me away from you.'"


Season 2, Episode 5: 

What Does It Mean to "Look for the Good"?


"You cannot erase the image of God in people. Even in our darkest moments, our sin cannot pull us out of God's word, his power, his goodness, or his impact on what we even perceive as good. Seeing the good in the midst of the bad pushes toward the gospel."


Season 2, Episode 4: 

How Do I Deal With Seasonal Depression?


"We are never outside of the tender care of God. It's true when we sleep. It's true when we struggle to get out of bed. It's true when we fail to read the Bible. It's true when we aren't eating healthily. It's true when everything just feels bleak."


Season 2, Episode 3: 

Why Should I Read Leviticus?


"Leviticus is probably not the first place that people think about life meeting scripture. Most of us don't get to January 1st, planning to read through the Bible this year, and put the day on their calendar that we get to start Leviticus. That's not how most of us tend to a function. Of course, if you have read the entire Bible, you have a sense that the book of Leviticus is quite important."


Season 2, Episode 2: 

What If Counseling Isn’t Encouraging?


"It’s ok to not immediately feel or experience hope from words of encouragement. But we know this to be true—God’s words are good and will always accomplish their purpose."


Season 2, Episode 1: 

Is It Okay to Want Affirmation?


"The problem is not that our desires need to stay constantly small and in check to make sure they don't threaten our feeble love for Christ. Rather, we want our love for Christ to grow and grow."



상담시리즈 학차신청 현장실시간 세미나

1.뇌구조 상담챠트

2.신체문제 상담챠트

3.정신구조 상담챠트

4.마음이해 상담챠트

5.변화과정 상담챠트