[402사례연구법] ANGER 강의교재, 영문


Why talk about anger?

Themes to keep in mind
• Anger is saying something.  It speaks of what we want, what we love.  Emotions are a language of the whole person, the physical/spiritual person.
• Anger is spiritual.  It reveals our relationship with God.  The horizontal reveals vertical. 
• Anger blinds.  Anger illustrates the noetic effects of sin.

I. Finding anger
A. Righteous anger
B. Overt anger
C. Covert anger

II. The allegiances of anger  Ex.16, Num.14, Matt 10:40, Matt. 25:31 ff., Jam. 4
A. The anger of God. 
1. God is angry/loving.  His anger shows what he loves. 
2. God’s anger is not comparable with almost anything you have known.
a. It is slow, measured, considered.  Ex. 32-34, Ps.86:15, Neh.9:30, Rom.2:4
b. It is trumped by love.  Wrath is poured out on Jesus.
3. The example of Jesus  Lk.6:27-31, 1 Pet.2:23ff., Lk.9:55, Lk.4:35
4. How should we respond?
5. Does God get angry with us?
B. The anger of Satan: anger against God and against God’s people
1. Satan is a murderer and a liar
2. He is filled with fury because he could not beat Jesus
3. His anger is intended to crush, not cleanse
4. His anger is intended to divide, not unite
5. How should we respond?

Helping Angry People Change
I. Questions for those who help
A. How do you naturally respond to angry people?
B. What is your anger history?
C. How do you disarm angry people?
D. How do you prioritize anger?

II. “Do you know you are angry?”

III. “Have you experienced someone else’s anger or judgment?”

IV. “Do you know what your anger does to others?
V. “Why are you angry?”  What is anger saying?  What does it mean?
A. “I am right, you are wrong.”  Anger is a moral judgment.
Was there a real wrong?
Was it a perceived wrong that was more about the idolatrous desires of the angry person?
B. “I am right, you are wrong and I am authorized [by myself] to punish you.” 
C. “I am afraid,” “I have been hurt,” “I feel alone and powerless”
D. “I am guilty”

VI. Listen to the whole truth about anger? Anger always feels right, but it lies.
A. You are deaf and blind.  (1 John 2:11)
B. You don’t see yourself
C. You don’t see other people
D. You don’t see the real enemy
E. You don’t see God.

VII. Know the Triune God
A. The enthroned King
B. The righteous Judge
C. The generous, loving, patient Father
D. The divine Servant.

VIII. Respond
A. Do you believe that this is important?
B. Imitate Jesus Christ
C. Who are you?
D. Who are others?


1.신체문제 상담챠트

2.뇌구조 상담챠트

3.정신구조 상담챠트

4.마음이해 상담챠트

5.변화과정 상담챠트

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