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WTS (미국 웨스트민스터 신학대학원) | CCEF (기독교 상담 교육 재단)

[CCEF] Six ways we grow together

CCEF DVD Curriculum: Topical Studies for Individuals or Groups
DVD Curriculum Series
A biblical approach to fruitful ministry in the body of Christ
A biblical approach to fruitful ministry
in the body of Christ
with David Powlison,
Edward T. Welch,
Michael Emlet,
Aaron Sironi,
and Steve Midgley
A biblical approach to fruitful ministry in the body of Christ
CCEF DVD Curriculum: Topical Studies for Individuals or Groups
Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
As a Christian, you are inseparably joined to other people. Your welfare and your wisdom are
connected to the welfare and wisdom of others in the body of Christ. You have an important
role  to  play,  both  in  giving  and  receiving  help.  The  ministry  of  one-on-one  conversations  
is part of God’s vision for maturing his people. Ephesians 4 shows how God calls you and
every believer to do your part by speaking helpful, constructive words to others.
So where do you start? What does fruitful interpersonal ministry look like? This study explores
six ways we grow together as the body of Christ.

 true need for God and for others

 knowledge of people with knowledge of Scripture

 in ways that connect actual human need to the promises of God

 the centrality of friendship in the Christian life

 a close watch on ourselves in pursuit of integrity

 together as each of us puts the Spirit’s gifts to work so that we grow up into
the likeness of Christ.
Growing Together
 identifies key ingredients of humility, spiritual friendship, and spiritual
vitality that are prerequisites for relationships that honor God and help people. This study
shows how vital daily relationships benefit from a foundation of pastoral care and biblical
counseling.  This  curriculum  has  been  designed  for  individuals  and  groups  who  want  to  
grow as care givers in the body of Christ.  
Pastors,  elders,  deacons,  missionaries,  youth  workers,  small  group  leaders,  and  all  God’s  
people who care about others will want to work through this study together. The vision the
Spirit gives in Ephesians 4 can become a growing reality in your church.
This workbook is intended for personal and group use. The Group Handouts may be reproduced or copied.
Other parts of this workbook may not be reproduced or copied except with the prior written consent of the
Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation.
Requests for additional permissions should be sent to:
Customer Service
1803 East Willow Grove Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway and The Holy Bible: New International Version®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International
Bible Society. All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added by the curriculum developers.
ISBN: 978-1-938294-20-4
The Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF) is a non-profit ministry founded in 1968. CCEF
exists to restore Christ to counseling and counseling to the church by thinking biblically about the issues of
living. We accomplish this mission through our teaching, writing, and counseling ministries. We are located in
Glenside, PA. To learn more about our ministry, visit us at www.ccef.org.
Growing Together—A biblical approach to fruitful ministry in the body of Christ
Copyright © 2016, by Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation.
All rights reserved.
Edward T. Welch, MDiv, PhD
David Powlison, MDiv, PhD
Aaron Sironi, MS, LCPC
Michael Emlet, MDiv, MD
Steve Midgley, MA, MB BS, DipMin
Curriculum Development
Bruce E. Eaton, MDiv
Rebecca Eaton, MA
A biblical approach to fruitful ministry in the body of Christ
Getting Started
Our Neediness is God’s Gift  
Edward T. Welch
How God Uses All of Us in the Lives of Others  
Edward T. Welch
Why We Pray and How We Pray
David Powlison
Spiritual Friendship
Aaron Sironi
Persevering in Ministry
Michael Emlet
Helping Our Churches Become Communities of Change
Steve Midgley
Group Handouts
About the Speakers
Copyright © 2016, by the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation.
All rights reserved.
As a Christian, you are inseparably joined to other people. Your welfare and your wisdom are connected
to the welfare and wisdom of others in the body of Christ. You have an important role to play, both in
giving and receiving help. The ministry of one-on-one conversations is part of God’s vision for maturing
his people. Ephesians 4 shows how God calls you and every believer to do your part by speaking helpful,
constructive words.
So where do you start? What does fruitful interpersonal ministry look like? This study explores six ways
we grow together as the body of Christ.

By expressing true need for God and for others

By combining knowledge of people with knowledge of Scripture

By praying in ways that connect actual human need to the promises of God

By understanding the centrality of friendship in the Christian life

By keeping a close watch on ourselves in pursuit of integrity

By maturing together as each of us puts the Spirit’s gifts to work so that we grow up into the
likeness of Christ
Growing Together
 identifies key ingredients of humility, spiritual friendship, and spiritual vitality that are
prerequisites for relationships that honor God and help people. This study shows how vital daily rela-
tionships benefit from a foundation of pastoral care and biblical counseling. This curriculum has been
designed for individuals and groups who want to grow as care givers in the body of Christ.
Pastors, elders, deacons, missionaries, youth workers, small group leaders, and all God’s people who care
about others will want to work through this study. The vision the Spirit gives in Ephesians 4 can become
a growing reality in your church.
About the Workbook
Each section of the Workbook includes a Before You Begin activity. Immediately following is the Intro-
duction which corresponds to the beginning of a video. Talks conclude with a Reflection Activity fol-
lowed by Study Questions.
Getting Started
A Note For Groups
This curriculum can be used at two different levels for group study. For an in-depth study, both leader
and participants will purchase and use the Workbook. Participants will have the time (2 hours per week)
and interest (study and reflection outside the group) for in-depth study.
For an introductory study, the group leader can purchase and use the Workbook as preparation for fa-
cilitating group discussion in a small group setting or Sunday School class. The group leader will provide
participants with copies of the Group Handouts. In this setting, we recommend selecting a few study
questions or activities that can be discussed in your allotted time-frame that meet the particular interests
of the group.
How is the church to grow together, as one body of Christ?

 true need for God and for others.

 knowledge of people with knowledge of Scripture.

 in ways that connect actual human need to the
promises of God.

 the centrality of friendship in the Christian life.

 a close watch on ourselves in pursuit of integrity.

 together as each of us puts the Spirit’s gifts to work
so that we grow up into the likeness of Christ.
Helping Our Churches Become
Communities of Change
Steve Midgley
So where do we go from here? How do we grow together in the body of Christ? So far in this study we
have looked at a variety of ways this happens:

 true need for God and for others

 knowledge of people with knowledge of Scripture

 in ways that connect actual human need to the promises of God

 the centrality of friendship in the Christian life

 a close watch on ourselves in pursuit of integrity
How is God encouraging you through this study?
What goals do you have for your participation in the life of your church?

We end this curriculum with this question: What are you taking home with you? If what you have stud-
ied has been beneficial for you, then you ought to take something home that will make a difference to
your life in Christ and to your life with others in the church.
Here is the concern: it is easy for pastors to take away good ideas from this study for their congregations,
and for church members to take away good ideas for their pastors. Yet God never gives anyone the gift of
having good ideas for other people.
So the take-away from this study is this: What is it that God has in store for us? What is the change that
he might have us accomplish in our own lives? Ephesians 4 helps answer that question. It is a wonderful
place to discover what it means for us to minister side-by-side in the body of Christ.
Ephesians 4 provides the turning point for Paul’s letter. For three glorious chapters Paul has been setting
out God’s great vision for his people.   

God will bring all things together under Christ.

God has made known to us the mystery of his will—to bring unity to all things in heaven
and on earth, under Christ.

God is creating a new humanity. One new people out of two, who will be a dwelling place in
which God lives by his Spirit.

This new humanity will reveal—even to the heavenly places—the manifold wisdom of  
God himself.
This is God’s great plan; a glorious picture of everything that God will accomplish through his people.
In Ephesians 4 Paul turns his gaze upon us, the church. What would Paul have us do? What would he
have us be in order to fulfill this great vision that God has in mind? Paul begins in a way we might not
expect in Ephesians 4:1–2.  
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be
completely humble.
As Paul turns his gaze upon the church, his very first instruction is to be humble. That is where  
change begins. Consider how a pastor might cast a vision for his church. Steve recounts his own ex-
perience of needing to begin with humility and confession as he considered the vision for his church
Do you struggle to embrace this vision—to rely upon everyone in your church to be part of
how God will mature you?
Revisit this diagram from lesson 2. How can you grow in your knowledge of people and your
knowledge of God so you can be part of God maturing other people in your church?
Take time to sit quietly before the Lord and ask God to speak into your heart and mind. After you have
prayed to God, answer this question: What will you take away from this study?
How People Change
 is a book and group study published by New Growth Press. It was developed from
Dynamics of Biblical
, a course offered in CCEF’s School of Biblical Counseling, taught by David Powlison.
Fruitful Personal Ministry
of Person
of Scripture
CCEF DVD Curriculum: Topical Studies for Individuals or Groups
DVD Curriculum Series
A biblical approach to fruitful ministry in the body of Christ
A biblical approach to fruitful ministry
in the body of Christ
with David Powlison,
Edward T. Welch,
Michael Emlet,
Aaron Sironi,
and Steve Midgley
A biblical approach to fruitful ministry in the body of Christ
CCEF DVD Curriculum: Topical Studies for Individuals or Groups
Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
As a Christian, you are inseparably joined to other people. Your welfare and your wisdom are
connected to the welfare and wisdom of others in the body of Christ. You have an important
role  to  play,  both  in  giving  and  receiving  help.  The  ministry  of  one-on-one  conversations  
is part of God’s vision for maturing his people. Ephesians 4 shows how God calls you and
every believer to do your part by speaking helpful, constructive words to others.
So where do you start? What does fruitful interpersonal ministry look like? This study explores
six ways we grow together as the body of Christ.

 true need for God and for others

 knowledge of people with knowledge of Scripture

 in ways that connect actual human need to the promises of God

 the centrality of friendship in the Christian life

 a close watch on ourselves in pursuit of integrity

 together as each of us puts the Spirit’s gifts to work so that we grow up into
the likeness of Christ.
Growing Together
 identifies key ingredients of humility, spiritual friendship, and spiritual
vitality that are prerequisites for relationships that honor God and help people. This study
shows how vital daily relationships benefit from a foundation of pastoral care and biblical
counseling.  This  curriculum  has  been  designed  for  individuals  and  groups  who  want  to  
grow as care givers in the body of Christ.  
Pastors,  elders,  deacons,  missionaries,  youth  workers,  small  group  leaders,  and  all  God’s  
people who care about others will want to work through this study together. The vision the
Spirit gives in Ephesians 4 can become a growing reality in your church.


상담시리즈 학차신청 현장실시간 세미나

1.뇌구조 상담챠트

2.신체문제 상담챠트

3.정신구조 상담챠트

4.마음이해 상담챠트

5.변화과정 상담챠트

계절풍 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 2022-03-01 (화) 23:51 2년전
<파파고 번역>

CCEF DVD 커리큘럼: 개인 또는 그룹에 대한 주제 연구
DVD 커리큘럼 시리즈
그리스도의 몸 안에서 생산적인 사역을 위한 성경적 접근
함께 성장
성과 있는 사역에 대한 성경적 접근법
그리스도의 몸으로
데이비드 포울리슨과 함께요
에드워드 T. 어서오세요, 어서오세요.
마이클 에믈렛,
애런 시로니,
스티브 미즐리
그리스도의 몸 안에서 생산적인 사역을 위한 성경적 접근
CCEF DVD 커리큘럼: 개인 또는 그룹에 대한 주제 연구
함께 성장
기독교인으로서 당신은 다른 사람들과 불가분의 관계에 있습니다. 당신의 행복과 지혜는
그리스도의 몸 안에 있는 타인의 행복과 지혜와 연결되어 있다. 중요한 게 있어요.
도움을 주고 받는 역할. 일대일 대화 담당부
그의 백성들을 성숙하게 하는 하나님의 비전의 일부입니다 에베소서 4는 하나님이 당신을 어떻게 부르시는지 보여줍니다.
모든 신자들은 다른 사람들에게 도움이 되고 건설적인 말을 함으로써 여러분의 역할을 수행해요.
그럼 어디서부터 시작할까요? 알찬 대인 사역은 어떤 모습일까요? 이 연구는 탐구한다.
그리스도의 몸으로서 우리가 함께 성장하는 여섯 가지 방법.

신과 타인에 대한 진정한 욕구를 표현함으로써.

사람에 대한 지식과 성경에 대한 지식을 결합함으로써.

인간의 실제 욕구를 신의 약속과 연결시키는 방법으로 기도함으로써

기독교 생활에서 우정의 중심성을 이해함으로써.

진실함을 추구하며 우리 자신을 예의주시함으로써

우리 각자가 성령의 은사를 작동시켜 우리가 성령으로 자라나면서 함께 성숙해짐으로써
그리스도의 닮은 점
함께 성장하기
겸손, 영적인 우정, 영적인 활력의 핵심 요소들을 확인한다.
신을 기리고 사람들을 돕는 관계의 전제 조건들 이 연구는 매일 얼마나 중요한지 보여준다.
시온십은 목회 돌봄과 성경 상담의 기초로부터 이익을 얻는다. 이 커리큘럼은 지금까지 입니다.
예수님의 몸 안에서 보살핌을 주는 사람으로 성장하기를 원하는 개인과 집단을 위해 고안되었다.
목회자, 장로, 부제, 선교사, 청년노동자, 소그룹 지도자, 모든 하나님의 백성들이 아낀다.
다른 사람들이 이 연구를 통해 일하고 싶어할 것이다. 성령께서 에베소서 4장에서 주시는 비전이 될 수 있다.
당신 교회에서 점점 더 현실로 다가오고 있어요.
통합 문서 정보
워크북의 각 섹션에는 시작하기 전 활동이 포함되어 있습니다. 바로 뒤에 인트로가...
비디오의 시작 부분에 해당하는 복제입니다. 대화는 다음과 같은 성찰 활동으로 마무리됩니다.
스터디 질문으로 인해 부족해집니다.
그룹에 대한 참고 사항
이 커리큘럼은 그룹스터디를 위해 두 가지 다른 수준에서 사용될 수 있습니다. 깊이 있는 연구를 위해, 두 리더는
참가자는 워크북을 구입하여 사용하게 됩니다. 참가자들에게는 1주일에 2시간씩의 시간이 주어집니다.
그리고 심층 연구를 위한 관심(그룹 외부의 연구 및 성찰)을 제공합니다.
소개 스터디의 경우 그룹 리더는 워크북을 구입하여 준비 과정으로 사용할 수 있습니다.
소규모 그룹 설정이나 주일 학교 수업에서 소름끼치는 그룹 토론 그룹 리더가 제공할 것입니다.
그룹 유인물 사본을 가지고 있는 참가자들 이 설정에서는 몇 가지 스터디를 선택하는 것이 좋습니다.
특정 관심사를 충족하는 할당된 시간 내에 토론할 수 있는 질문 또는 활동
어떻게 교회가 그리스도의 한 몸으로서 함께 성장할 수 있을까요?

하나님은 우리에게 그의 의지의 신비를 알려 주셨습니다 - 하늘에 있는 만물에 단합을 가져오시는 것.
이 땅에, 그리스도 아래.

신은 새로운 인류를 창조하고 있다. 두 사람 중 한 사람이 새로운 주거지가 될 것이다.
하나님은 영을 따라 사신다

이 새로운 인류는 심지어 천국에서도 ...의 다양한 지혜를 드러낼 것이다.
이것은 하나님의 큰 계획이며, 하나님께서 백성을 통하여 이루실 모든 것을 그린 영광스러운 그림입니다.
에베소서 4장에서는 바울이 우리에게 시선을 돌립니다. 폴이 우리에게 뭘 시키겠어요? 그가 뭘 하겠어?
우리가 하나님 마음속에 있는 이 위대한 비전을 성취하기 위해 존재하는가? 폴은 우리가 하지 않을 수 있는 방식으로 시작한다.
예상 단위는 에베소서 4:1–2이다.
그렇다면 주님의 포로로서 받은 소명에 걸맞은 삶을 살 것을 권합니다. 있다
완전히 겸손하다.
바울이 교회를 향해 시선을 돌릴 때 가장 먼저 하는 가르침은 겸손하라는 것입니다. 거기서부터다
변화가 시작된다. 목사가 자신의 교회를 위해 어떻게 비전을 제시할 수 있는지 생각해보세요. 스티브는 자신의 전 남자친구를 회상했다.
그가 교회의 비전을 고려했을 때 겸손과 고백으로 시작할 필요가 있다는 관용
이 비전을 수용하기 위해 노력하고 계십니까? 교회의 모든 사람이 참여할 수 있도록
신이 당신을 어떻게 성숙시킬까요?
2단원의 이 다이어그램을 다시 살펴보십시오. 당신은 어떻게 사람들과 당신의 지식에 성장할 수 있습니까?
하느님에 대한 지식으로 교회에서 다른 사람들을 성숙시키는 하느님의 일부가 될 수 있을까요?
여유를 갖고 조용히 주 앞에 앉아 하나님께 마음과 마음에 대고 말씀하시기를 간구합니다. 한 다음에
이 질문에 대답해 달라고 하나님께 기도했다. 당신은 이 연구에서 무엇을 얻을 건가요?
주소 추천 0