*미국 웨스트민스터 신학대학원 도서관 소재 성경적 상담학 관련 D.Min. 논문 (4논문열람 란에서 보실 수 있습니다)
A biblical model for personnel development and conflict resolution in an organised ministry
A biblical model for personnel development and conflict resolution in an organised ministry 2
A biblical strategy for ministering to angry people
A christian counsellor's experience in working with schizophrenics in the state hostpital system and preliminary treatment suggestions
A nouthetic approach to counseling elementary school-age children
A nouthetic approach to counseling elementary school-age children 2
A quest for biblical group counseling
A training program for white professional counselors and ministers who have a desire to overcome the effects of racism and minister more effectively to the black community.
Biblical Counseling format for counples contemplating marriage in the black community
Building up the body
Christian counseling and psychological testing: is man measurable?
Counseling divorcees on forgivesness
Counseling format for couples contemplating marriage in the black community
Counseling relationship from a biblical perspective
Counseling single-parent women
Counseling to the military: the book of joshu as a model
Covenant evangelism and pastoral counseling
Depression-a theological disorder
Developing the full potetial of the missionary kid: a handbook for missionary kid patents and mk school personnel
Emotion theories, andger, and assessment
Equipping the laity to do evangelistic biblical counseling
Equipping the laity to do evangelistic biblical counseling2
Equipping parents for rearing adolescents
Evangelism implosion: getting to the heart of the issue
Evangelizing through pre-marital counseling
Hepling counselees enter and remain on the narrow way
How the local church can assist the military family face separation
Living through grief
Ministering the newly wed couple
Mobilizing biblical lay counseling in an assemblies of god church
Moving beyond your past
Moving beyond your past 2
One-anothering model of biblical counseling in the evangelical presbyterain churchof ghana
Parenting shepherding the child's heart
Planting biblical counseling in korea
Planting Biblical counseling
Preaching and Pastoral counseling: a reformed presponse to the current quest for an intergrated ministry
Purifying the heart of sexual idolatry
Self-counseling: changing hearts and growing in christ - a case study of the church of christ in the sudan amont the TIV(NKST)
counseling ofr spiritaul depression caused by shamanism
The application of biblical counseling theory and practice to a rescue mission: a case study of the whosever gospel mission and rescue home
The bondage of ecstasy
The family covenant: god's plan to strengthen your family
The ministry of hope, the essence of counseling, is a covenantal process
The problem of wife abuse: wife abuse and pastoral couseling
The use of proverbs in biblical counseling: a hokmatic appreoach
Using the lament psalms in counseling
*CCEF발간 성경적 상담학 소책자
Anger: escaping the maze
ADD: wandering minds and wired bodies
Bad memories: getting past your past
Encounters with jesus: when ordiarny people met the savior
Forgiveness: I just can't forgive myself!
Idols of the heart(book)
Instructions about heartwork(book)
Worry: pursuing a better path to peace