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[_기관] The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) 성경적 상담학 과정안내

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The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) 성경적 상담학 과정안내

School of Theology


Scripture and Interpretation Division

Department of Old Testament

Terry J. Betts

Assistant Professor of Old Testament Interpreta- tion (2001)

B.S.Ed., Wright State University; M.Div., Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Additional Studies: Jerusalem University College

Before becoming an instructor at Southern, Dr. Betts served adjunctively at Boyce College and the seminary in the areas of Hebrew and Old

Testament. He is a fourth generation Baptist minister who has pastored fourteen years in Ohio and Indiana. Dr. Betts has authored several entries for the Holman Bible Dictionary and is a member of the Evangelical Theo- logical Society.

Joel F. Drinkard, Jr.

Research Professor of Old Testament Interpre- tation (1983); Director of Joseph A. Callaway Museum

B.A., University of North Carolina; M.Div., Th.M., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Addi- tional Studies: Regent’s Park College, The Johns Hopkins University, University of Chicago

Dr. Drinkard is a specialist in biblical archaeology and serves as the curator of the Joseph A. Callaway Archaeological Museum. He served as associate editor of and contributor to the Mercer Bible Dictionary. He is the co- author of the Word Biblical Commentary on Jeremiah 1-25 and has written many articles. He is a frequent Bible conference speaker and regularly serves churches as interim pastor.

Ken D. Fentress

Assistant Professor of Old Testament Interpreta- tion (2003); Dean of Intercultural Programs

B.A., The Criswell College; M.Div., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Fentress has served on the pastoral staffs of several churches in Kentucky and Maryland. He currently serves as a teaching Pastor at Highview

Baptist Church. He has been a visiting professor of Old Testament at The Criswell College, Dallas, TX; Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL; and Beeson Divinity School, Birmingham, AL. He holds the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Hebrew Bible, Semitic Languages and Egyptology at The Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Fentress is a member of the Institute for Biblical Research, the Evangelical Theological Society, and the Society of Biblical Literature.

• Faculty

• Introduction

• Master’s Programs

• Doctoral Programs

“The School of Theology seeks
to provide the biblical and theological training that is foundational
for church related ministries as well as for roles where advanced theological training is required.”


Dean: Russell D. Moore, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Doctoral Studies: David L. Puckett, Ph.D. Senior Associate Dean: Theology and Tradition: Bruce A. Ware, Ph.D. Associate Dean: Scripture and Interpretation: Thomas R. Schreiner, Ph.D. Associate Dean: Worldview and Culture: James A. Parker, D.Theol. Associate Dean: Ministry and Proclamation: Hershael W. York, Ph.D.


Russell D. Moore

Dean of the School of Theology; Senior Vice President for Academic Administration; Associate Professor of Christian Theology (2001)

B.S., University of Southern Mississippi; M.Div., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. Russell D. Moore became Dean of the School

of Theology and Senior Vice President for Aca- demic Administration of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in January 2004. Dr. Moore is the author of The Kingdom of Christ: The New Evangelical Perspective (Crossway, 2004) and co-editor of Why I Am a Baptist (Broadman and Holman, 2001). He contributed a chapter on Christian political thought for Looking into the Future: Evangelical Studies in Eschatology (Baker). He has written articles for various publications including Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, Journal for Biblical Manhood and Woman- hood, and SBC Life. Dr. Moore also serves as the Executive Director of the Carl F.H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement, is a regular columnist for Baptist Press, and serves as Senior Editor for Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity. Dr. Moore has served on the pastoral staffs of two Mis- sissippi Baptist churches. Prior to entering the ministry, he was an aide to

U.S. Congressman Gene Taylor.


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Russell T. Fuller

Professor of Old Testament Interpretation (1998)

B.S., M.A., Bob Jones University; M.Phil., Ph.D., Hebrew Union College; Doctoral Studies: The Dropsie College

With an interest in Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern languages, literature and history, Dr. Fuller’s addition to the Southern Seminary faculty enriches the Old Testament Department. Before his appoint-

ment in 1998, he was Assistant Professor of Bible and Bible Languages at Mid-Continent College and interim pastor in Ohio and Kentucky. He has written journal articles and book reviews and has several articles in the New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology.

Duane A. Garrett

John R. Sampey Professor of Old Testament Interpretation (2004)

B.A., Rice University; M.Div., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., Baylor University

Dr. Garrett brings to Southern Seminary many years of teaching, writing, research and pasto- ral experience. He has served on the faculty of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Bethel

Seminary, Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary, Mid-America Baptist Seminary and Korea Baptist Seminary. His books include Song of Songs in the Word Biblical Commentary; A Modern Grammar for Classical Hebrew; Angels and the New Spirituality; Authority and Interpretation; and Hosea and Joel in the New American Commentary. He also serves as the general editor for The Archaeology Study Bible from Zondervan Press.

Peter J. Gentry

Professor of Old Testament Interpretation (1999)

B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Toronto; Graduate Studies: Dallas Theological Seminary, Jerusalem University College

Dr. Gentry comes to Southern with an expansive knowledge of biblical languages. He served on the faculty of Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College for fifteen years and taught at the Uni-

versity of Toronto, Heritage Theological Seminary, and Tyndale Theological Seminary. Dr. Gentry is the author of many articles and book reviews and has given presentations to groups such as the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament and the Society of Biblical Literature, of which he is also a member. He is currently editing Ecclesiastes and Proverbs for the Göttingen Septuagint Series and is giving leadership to the Hexapla Institute.

Kenneth A. Mathews

Distinguished Professor of Old Testament Inter- pretation (2005)

B.A., Dallas Baptist University; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan

Dr. Mathews teaches full-time as Professor of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School, Samford Univer- sity, in Birmingham, AL. He teaches part-time at

Southern and brings to the classroom many years of experience in teaching and research. He is associate general editor of the New American Commen- tary and the author of Genesis 1-11:26 and Genesis 11:27-50:26 in the series. Among his other publications is The Paleo-Hebrew Leviticus Scroll (co- authored with David Noel Freedman) that was the first full study of the Leviti- cus Dead Sea Scroll. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, the Society of Biblical Literature, and the Institute for Biblical Research.

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Eugene H. Merrill

Distinguished Professor of Old Testament Inter- pretation (2005)

B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Bob Jones University; M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University

Dr. Merrill serves as Distinguished Professor of Old Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is uniquely qualified after having taught Old Testament at various colleges, uni-

versities, and seminaries for more than forty years. He brings with him many years of ministry experience, serving both as pastor and associate pastor, as well as ministering as a short-term missionary to many dif- ferent countries. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, American Oriental Society, Society of Biblical Literature, and several other well-known evangelical associations.

Department of New Testament William F. Cook, III

Professor of New Testament Interpretation (2000)

B.A., University of Central Florida; M.Div., South- western Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Prior to coming to Southern, Dr. Cook was asso- ciate professor of New Testament and chair of the Theology Division at Florida Baptist Theologi- cal College where he taught for nine years. He is

the author of several articles and numerous book reviews. Dr. Cook has served as a pastor and interim pastor in Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, and is a popular Bible conference preacher. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Daniel E. Hatfield

Professor of New Testament Interpretation (2003); Vice President for Student Services and Institutional Assessment; Dean of Students

B.A., Mars Hill College; M.Div., Ph.D., The South- ern Baptist Theological Seminary

Before coming to Southern, Dr. Hatfield was a missionary in the Republic of Panama through the International Mission Board of the Southern

Baptist Convention. In addition to his role as Vice President, Dr. Hatfield serves as the Dean of Students and as Professor of New Testament Inter- pretation at Southern Seminary. He has church staff experience serving as pastor and associate pastor in Kentucky and Oklahoma.

Jonathan T. Pennington

Assistant Professor of New Testament Interpreta- tion (2005)

B.A., Northern Illinois University; M.Div., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., University of St. Andrews, Scotland

Dr. Pennington comes to us from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland where he recently finished his doctoral studies. Along with numer-

ous articles from Trinity Journal, Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint & Cognate Studies, and Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament, Dr. Pennington has written books on both Greek and Hebrew vocabulary for Zondervan.


Robert L. Plummer

Assistant Professor of New Testament Interpreta- tion (2002)

B.A., Duke University; M.Div., Ph.D., The South- ern Baptist Theological Seminary; Additional Studies: Jerusalem University College

Dr. Plummer is a biblical scholar with a mission- ary heart. He has served in missionary assign- ments of varying length in China, Israel, Trinidad,

Ghana, Malaysia, and Turkey. Dr. Plummer has written Paul’s Understand- ing of the Church’s Mission: Did the Apostle Paul Expect the Early Chris- tian Communities to Evangelize? (Paternoster Press, forthcoming). Articles written by Dr. Plummer have appeared in Westminster Theological Journal, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, New Holman Bible Diction- ary, The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, and other publications. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Institute for Biblical Research.

Thomas R. Schreiner

James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Tes- tament Interpretation (1997); Associate Dean, Scripture and Interpretation

B.S., Western Oregon University; M.Div., Th.M., Western Seminary; Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary

Dr. Schreiner joined the Southern Seminary fac-

ulty in 1997 after serving 11 years on the faculty at Bethel Theological Seminary. He also taught New Testament at Azusa Pacific University. Dr. Schreiner, a Pauline scholar, is the author or editor of several books including, Romans, the Baker Exegetical Commentary Series on the New Testament; Interpreting the Pauline Letters; The Law and Its Fulfillment: A Pauline Theology of Law; The Race Set Before Us: A Biblical Theology of Perseverance and Assurance; Still Sovereign: Con- temporary Perspectives of Election, Foreknowledge, and Grace, co-edited with Bruce A. Ware; Women in the Church: A Fresh Analysis of I Timothy 2:9-15; Paul, Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ: A Pauline Theology, 1 and

ern Baptist Journal of Theology. Previously, he was Associate Editor of The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology. Articles written by Dr. Vickers have appeared in the New Holman Bible Dictionary, Gospel Witness, and The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, and his doctoral dissertation on imputation is being published with Crossway Books. Dr. Vickers is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Institute for Bibli- cal Research.

Theology and Tradition Division

Department of Church History and Historical Theology

Thomas J. Nettles

Professor of Historical Theology (1997)

B.A., Mississippi College; M.Div., Ph.D., South- western Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. Nettles is widely regarded as one of the fore- most Baptist historians in America. He came to Southern Seminary from the faculty of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School where he was Profes- sor of Church History and Chair of the Depart-

ment of Church History. He previously taught at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. Along with numerous journal articles and scholarly papers, Dr. Nettles is the author or editor of nine books. Among his books are By His Grace and For His Glory; Baptists and the Bible, the highly influential volume which he co-authored with L. Russ Bush; and Why I am a Baptist, co-edited with Russell D. Moore.

David L. Puckett

Professor of Church History (2002); Associate Vice President for Doctoral Studies

B.A., Mississippi College; Th.M., Dallas Theologi- cal Seminary; Ph.D., University of Chicago

Prior to coming to Southern Seminary, Dr. Puckett served as Professor of Church History and Direc- tor of Th.M. and Ph.D. Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and as founding

headmaster of Trinity Academy of Raleigh, North Carolina. He previously taught historical theology at Dallas Theological Seminary and church history and theology at Criswell College. He has academic interests in the areas of the history of biblical interpretation, the Protestant Reforma- tion, and Christianity and social reform in England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Dr. Puckett is the author of John Calvin’s Exegesis of the Old Testament.

Kevin L. Smith

Assistant Professor of Church History (2006)

B.S., Hampton University; M.Div., Church of God Theological Seminary

Before being appointed to the faculty, Professor Kevin L. Smith had served Southern as the Mar- tin Luther King, Jr. Fellow since 2002. He has been a church planter in Tennessee and a pas- tor in Tennessee and Kentucky - currently serving

Watson Memorial Baptist Church in Louisville. He is a conference preacher and has taken short-term missions trips to the Caribbean and Africa. He has been a visiting professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and an instructor at Lee University. He is a member of the Organization of American Historians and the American Society of Church History.

2 Peter, Jude.

Mark A. Seifrid

Mildred and Ernest Hogan Professor of New Tes- tament Interpretation (1992)

B.S., University of Illinois; M.A., M.Div., Trin- ity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary; Additional Studies: Univer- sität Tübingen

Before joining the Southern faculty, Dr. Seifrid

served as Visiting Lecturer at Wheaton College and at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Along with several articles, he is the author of Justification by Faith, and Christ Our Righteousness. He is a member of the Society of New Testament Studies and the Society of Biblical Literature. He previously served as a campus minister with the

Navigators at the University of Michigan and the University of Illinois.

Brian J. Vickers

Assistant Professor of New Testament Interpreta- tion (2004)

B.A., West Virginia University; M.A., Wheaton College; M.Div., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theologi- cal Seminary

Prior to his appointment to the faculty, Dr. Vickers

served as Adjunct Professor of New Testament Interpretation. He currently serves as the Assistant Editor of The South-


School of Theology | page 39


Gregory A. Wills

Professor of Church History (1997); Director of the Center for the Study of the Southern Baptist Convention

B.S., Duke University; M.Div., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; Th.M., Duke University; Ph.D., Emory University

Dr. Wills was appointed to the faculty of South-

ern Seminary in 1997 after serving since 1994 as Archives and Special Collections Librarian with the seminary’s Boyce Centennial Library. Dr. Wills’ dissertation, Democratic Religion: Freedom, Authority, and Church Discipline in the Baptist South, 1785-1900, was published by Oxford University Press. Besides contributions to theologi- cal journals, Dr. Wills has authored entries on Basil Manly, Jr. and Jesse

Mercer in the American National Biography. Shawn D. Wright

Assistant Professor of Church History (2001)

B.A., Duke University; M.Div., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; Ph.D., The Southern Bap- tist Theological Seminary

Dr. Wright came to Southern Seminary after serv- ing Southern Baptist churches in New England. While a student at Southern, he was active in church planting and pastoring. His area of spe-

cialization is Theodore Beza’s pastoral theology. Dr. Wright is a member of the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference.

Department of Christian Theology Gregg Allison

Associate Professor of Christian Theology (2003)

B.S., Northern Illinois University; M.Div., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., Trinity Evan- gelical Divinity School

Dr. Allison comes to Southern from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon, where he had taught theology and church history for nine years. He has also served as adjunct faculty at Trinity

Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL; Elgin Community College, Elgin, IL; Judson College, Elgin, IL; and Institute of Biblical Studies, Western Europe. In addition to his teaching experience, Dr. Allison also has 18 years of ministry as a staff member of Campus Crusade, where he worked in campus ministry as well as a missionary to Italy and Switzerland. He has five articles in The Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, and is currently the book review editor for theological, historical, and philosophi- cal studies, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. Dr. Allison is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Chad Brand

Professor of Christian Theology (2001)

B.A., Rockmont College; M.Div., Ph.D., South- western Baptist Theological Seminary; Graduate Studies: University of Texas at Arlington, Texas Christian University

Dr. Brand is gifted as a scholar, apologist, pastor, and student of contemporary culture and reli- gion. He also serves as Associate Dean of Biblical

and Theological Studies at Boyce College. Before coming to Louisville, he taught at North Greenville College. He has taught over 20 different types of classes and seminars and has delivered over 25 papers to groups such as the Evangelical Theological Society. Dr. Brand is the author of many arti-

cles and reviews, and co-edited Perspectives on Church Government: Five Views of Church Polity and Perspectives on Spirit Baptism: Five Views.

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

Joseph Emerson Brown Professor of Christian Theology (1993); President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

B.A., Samford University; M.Div., Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. Mohler became the ninth president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in August 1993. Before assuming the office of president,

Dr. Mohler served as editor of the Christian Index, the state paper for Georgia Baptists. He also previously served as Assistant to the President at Southern Seminary. A leader among Baptists and American evangelicals, Dr. Mohler is widely respected as a theologian, speaker, and author. Time. com called him the “reigning intellectual of the evangelical movement in the U.S.” In addition to his presidential duties, Dr. Mohler hosts a daily radio program for the Salem Radio Network. He also writes a popular commentary and daily blog focusing on moral, cultural, and theological issues. Many of Dr. Mohler’s writings, his radio show, and his sermons and speeches can be accessed through his website www.albertmohler. com. His writings have been published throughout the United States and Europe. He has contributed to several books including Whatever Hap- pened to Truth, Hell Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents Eternal Punishment, Here We Stand: A Call From Confessing Evangelicals and The Coming Evangelical Crisis. He served as General Editor of The Gods of the Age or the God of the Ages: Essays by Carl F. H. Henry and served from 1985 to 1993 as Associate Editor of Preaching, a journal for evangelical preachers. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology.

Russell D. Moore

Associate Professor of Christian Theology (2001); Dean of the School of Theology; Senior Vice President for Academic Administration

B.S., University of Southern Mississippi; M.Div., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. Russell D. Moore became Dean of the School

of Theology and Senior Vice President for Aca- demic Administration of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in January 2004. Dr. Moore is the author of The Kingdom of Christ: The New Evangelical Perspective (Crossway, 2004) and co-editor of Why I Am a Baptist (Broadman and Holman, 2001). He contributed a chapter on Christian political thought for Looking into the Future: Evangelical Studies in Eschatology (Baker). He has written articles for various publications including Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, Journal for Biblical Manhood and Woman- hood, and SBC Life. Dr. Moore also serves as the Executive Director of the Carl F.H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement, is a regular columnist for Baptist Press, and serves as Senior Editor to Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity. Dr. Moore has served on the pastoral staffs of two Mississippi Baptist churches. Prior to entering the ministry, he was an aide

to U.S. Congressman Gene Taylor.

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Bruce A. Ware

Professor of Christian Theology (1998); Senior Associate Dean of the School of Theology; Associate Dean, Theology and Tradition; Advanced Master of Divinity Program Director

A.S., Judson Baptist College; Cert., Capernwray Bible School, Carnforth, England; B.A., Whitworth College; M.Div., Th.M., Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; M.A., University of Washing- ton; Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary

Dr. Ware is a highly esteemed theologian and author in the evangeli- cal world. He came to Southern Seminary from Trinity Evangelical Divin- ity School where he served as Associate Professor and Chairman of the Department of Biblical and Systematic Theology. Prior to this, he taught at Western Conservative Baptist Seminary and at Bethel Theological Seminary. Dr. Ware has written numerous journal articles, book chapters, and book reviews and, along with Thomas Schreiner, has co-edited The Grace of God and the Bondage of the Will and Still Sovereign. He also has authored God’s Lesser Glory: The Diminished God of Open Theism, God’s Greater Glory: The Exalted God of Scripture and the Christian Faith, and Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Relationships, Roles, and Relevance.

Stephen J. Wellum

Professor of Christian Theology (1999); Editor,

The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology

B.S., Roberts Wesleyan College; M.Div., Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Dr. Wellum comes to Southern from Associated Canadian Theological Schools and Northwest Baptist Theological College and Seminary where he has taught theology since 1996. He has been

a conference speaker at various engagements in Canada and has pre- sented two papers at meetings of the Midwestern Section of the Evangeli- cal Theological Society. Dr. Wellum is the author of many articles including a review of John S. Feinburg, “No One Like Him” for The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology and “God” in the Holman Bible Dictionary. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Worldview and Culture Division

Department of Christian Philosophy Theodore J. Cabal

Professor of Christian Philosophy (1998)

B.A., M.A., Dallas Baptist University; M.Div., Ph.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Once an ardent atheist, Dr. Cabal was converted while reading the New Testament Gospels. He has planted and pastored several churches, and served on the faculties of Dallas Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

before coming to Southern. His interest in helping others to know the truth in Christ has motivated his numerous college campus talks and debates with philosophy professors. In addition to journal articles on issues such as postmodernism and the age of the earth controversy, Dr. Cabal is the general editor of The Apologetics Study Bible (2006).

Mark T. Coppenger

Distinguished Professor of Christian Apologetics (2004)

B.A., Ouachita Baptist University; M.A., Ph.D., Vanderbilt University; M.Div., Southwestern Bap- tist Theological Seminary

Dr. Coppenger comes to Southern Seminary after having served as President of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is currently pastoring

a church plant in Evanston, Illinois, and has served as pastor in various other churches. Dr. Coppenger has served on committees for the Southern Baptist Convention, and as Director of the Indiana Baptist Convention. He brings teaching experience from Wheaton College and Vanderbilt University.

Steve R. Halla

Assistant Professor of Philosophy (2006); Direc- tor, Center for Christianity and the Arts

B.A., Moody Bible Institute; Th.M., Dallas Theo- logical Seminary; Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas

Dr. Halla comes to us from the University of Texas

at Dallas, where he has recently completed his doctor of philosophy in aesthetic studies. Before becoming a professor at Southern, Dr. Halla served as adjunct faculty at Dallas Theological Semi- nary. He has also served on the faculty of Studio Art Undergraduate Pro-

gram. He has written for The Conservative Theological Journal.

James Parker, III

Professor of Worldview and Culture (1999); Asso- ciate Dean, Worldview and Culture

B.A., Baylor University; M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; M.Div., Th.M., Princeton Theo- logical Seminary; D.Theol., Basel University, Basel, Switzerland; Post-Doctoral Studies: Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Parker joins the faculty at Southern after founding and then directing The Trinity Institute for nine years. The Trinity Institute was founded to provide a study center that equips Christians to understand and articulate the Christian worldview and apply it to every aspect of life in order to effectively engage and transform the culture for Christ. In addition to The Trinity Institute, he has taught at various semi- naries and colleges and has been involved with Inter-Varsity Christian Fel- lowship. Dr. Parker is the former editor of


상담시리즈 학차신청 현장실시간 세미나

1.뇌구조 상담챠트

2.신체문제 상담챠트

3.정신구조 상담챠트

4.마음이해 상담챠트

5.변화과정 상담챠트

번호 분류 이미지 제목 글쓴이 날짜 추천 조회
295 _심리학
이룸심리상담연구소 신미진 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-18 0 446
294 a적용해석
상담과 설교의 통합방안 신미진 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-18 0 287
293 _심리학
총신대학교 상담대학원 이정선 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-18 0 426
292 _기관
심리상담센터 엠브레스마인드 이명선 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-13 1 431
291 _심리학
하모니 헬퍼 한국 가족 상담 연구소   정회진 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-12 0 434
290 _심리학
맘앤맘소풍 심정옥 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-12 0 437
289 _기관
성경적 카운슬링 스쿨 (권면상담) 이문숙 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-12 0 376
288 _기관
한국기독교이단상담소협회 송인경 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-11 0 353
287 _기관
한국상담선교연구원 신미진 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-11 0 387
286 _기관
대구기독교상담센터 이정선 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-10 0 391
285 _기관
아세아연합신학대학교 상담소 송인경 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-06 0 341
284 _기관
한국기독교심리상담학회(kccan) 이명선 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-05 0 348
283 _기관
사이버1388 청소년상담센터 심정옥 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-04 0 378
282 _기관
미드미 심리상담센터 오선미 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-04 0 356
281 _기관
마음쉼터상담센터   정회진 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-04 0 400
280 _기관
백석상담센터-“삶의 희망을 만들어가는 따뜻한 사람들” 이정선 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-03 1 426
279 _전통주의
성경적 상담신학 1 이정선 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-04-03 0 643
278 _심리학
서울대학교 대학생활 문화원_심리상담부 이명선 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-30 0 496
277 _기관
한국심리상담센터 박인혜 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-29 0 399
276 _기관
한국복음주의상담학협회 1 신미진 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-29 0 660
275 _기관
한국기독교상담심리학회 이문숙 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-29 0 373
274 _기관
한국상담심리치료센터 송인경 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-29 0 445
273 _심리학
정신분석심리상담 조인 심정옥 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-29 0 467
272 _기관
래은 상담 연구소 오선미 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-28 0 452
271 _기관
정태홍 성경적 상담연구소   정회진 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-27 0 424
270 _기관
한국상담연구원 1 이문숙 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-22 0 615
269 _심리학
한국심리커어 마음치유연구소 송인경 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-22 0 448
268 _기관
kiss 1 신미진 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-21 0 660
267 _심리학
위 클래스   정회진 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-21 0 457
266 _기관
희망부부 가족상담센터 오선미 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 21-03-20 1 402