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WTS (미국 웨스트민스터 신학대학원) | CCEF (기독교 상담 교육 재단)

[CCEF] "Love Your Bibles" by Ed Welch

Blog from Ed Welch

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2019 National Conference

More info here

The Journal of Biblical Counseling (32:3)

In the newest issue:

How can we understand the unique contributions of Jay Adams and John Bettler to the biblical counseling movement? 
  • Slow Growth by David Powlison
How can parents offer help to children who deal with anxiety? 
  • Helping Your Anxious Child by Julie Lowe
Where do you start marriage counseling when one spouse is antagonistic towards the other?
  • Helping a Spouse Who Moves Against during Marital Conflict by Aaron Sironi and Lauren Whitman
How does our understanding of the body impact biblical counseling? 
  • “Take a Deep Breath—How Counseling Ministry Addresses the Body by Todd Stryd

…and much more!

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