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[CCEF] Prayer In Marriage Counseling with Aaron Sironi

CCEF On-the-Go with Aaron and Alasdair

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Journal of Biblical Counseling - Featured Articles

Aaron Sironi and Lauren Whitman
This article presses into one of the fine-grained details of marriage counseling. Constructive and productive communication is not an easy task and interpersonal conflict takes many forms. When a spouse withdraws or shuts down, it creates a specific challenge. Aaron Sironi and Lauren Whitman describe how withdrawing damages the marital bond. They outline a process of growth for withdrawers and illustrate that process through a case study.
J. Alasdair Groves
How do you develop a healthy, godly emotional life? How do you help someone else grow in this way? Many counseling approaches are suspicious of emotions and teach stoic self-control. Other counseling approaches glorify emotions and teach free expression of feelings. Christian faith has been used to justify both extremes, but Alasdair Groves pursues the full range of godly emotions. His article speaks of six spiritual practices that gradually remake our emotional life in God’s image. Some of these may surprise you!
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