[402사례연구법] FEAR / Dr. Welch
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Where is it? What is it? What does it say? I. Basic idea Fear = “I am in danger.” There is a threat to something I love. Anxiety = “I think there will be danger.” I anticipate a threat. II. Is fear or anxiety sin? Cf. Ps.56:3, 2 Cor.7:5, 1 Peter 5:7 III. Common threats A. Enemies: real and perceived B. Death: the unknown, judgment, pain, eternity C. Trusting in “nothing”: Idols of people and money D. The past being repeated E. Abandonment, being alone How do you help? I. Know the person. II. “Be still”: Fear is loud and restless, it can overwhelm faith. III. “Listen”: Be surprised by how God speaks to those in fear (Lk.12:22-34; Mt.6:25-34) A. He addresses us as his little flock (Lk. 12:32) B. He reasons with us. 1. “I know the details of the rest of creation” (Lk 12:4-7, Lk 12:22-34, Matt. 6:25-34), “even unimportant details like hairs on your head.” (Lk. 12:7). 2. “You are much more valuable to me” (Mt. 6:26, 10:31) 3. “I know the unimportant details of your life.” 4. “Does obsessive anticipation really do anything? Does it really help? Has it given you any extra hours in your day?” 5. “Your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom” C. He assures us – again and again – of his presence (Gen. 26:24, Dt 31:6, Is. 41:10, Phil 4:5,6) D. He assures us with an oath. Covenants were used when one party had doubts. E. He reminds us of who we are to fear. 2 Kings 6, Jer.10:5-7 IV. “Remember” (Ps. 57:4,5; 59:9; 77:10,11) V. “Trust” (Ex 16; Phil 1:6, 4:19; 2 Cor 1:20, 2 Cor 12, Rom 8:32) VI. “Walk” (Mic. 6:8) V. “Pray” (Phil 4:6-8) Psalm 46, Psalm 121