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[402사례연구법] GUILT Especially the resistant guilt associated with legalism

Especially the resistant guilt associated with legalism

I. Where is guilt?
Guilt is rarely a presenting problem, but it can be found in most every problem we will discuss: perfectionism, depression, a sense of personal failure, anxiety, fear, anger, bulimia, anorexia, joylessness.

II. Varieties of guilt
Guilt because you love sin more than Jesus, and you will turn to it soon
Guilt from lack of confession of known sins
Guilt from not understanding the gospel (unbelief?)
Guilt from the lingering consequences of previous sin
Guilt from the consequences of personal decisions
Guilt/shame from having been sinfully violated
Guilt from a weak conscience (Rom. 14, 1 Cor. 8)
Guilt from legalism

III. Legalism: A Type of Resistant Guilt
A. Two types of legalism
1.  Asking Scripture to speak more specifically than it intends
2. Believing that, or behaving as if, through the law, we can earn something from God.  Legalism means that we believe we must do or can do something to receive God’s grace.  The legalist believes that life is lived according to law rather than grace (Gal.4:21).
The basic formula for legalism is this:
  righteousness before God =  faith in the finished work of Christ + ________
B. The many faces of legalism.  Legalism can be found at the root of many popular problems: perfectionism, depression, a sense of personal failure, anxiety, fear, anger, bulimia, and anorexia.
• Successful legalists: “I’ve made it” or “I’ve made it, and they didn’t”
• Striving legalists: “I’m trying to make it” or “I need them to think I made it”
• Deal making legalists: “I’ll ______ if you ______.”
• Unsuccessful legalists: “I can’t make it”
• Demanding, angry, jealous legalists: “I deserve”
• Accusing legalists: “You deserve”
• Nice legalists: “If you like me, I’m OK.”
C. It can be exposed by the following checklist
You are more aware of your past sins than of the cross.
You live believing that God is disappointed with you rather than delighting over you.
You have a sense that God’s forgiveness or acceptance is dependent on your obedience.
You lack joy.
You are willing to live with low-grade guilt (or paralyzing condemnation) because you assume that it is religious.

D. The lights go on
Two pastoral approaches
1.  Slavery – this is so sad.
2.  Rebellion – this is so wrong. 
Gal 3:1,2 - “You foolish Galations, before your eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.  I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law or by believing what you have heard.” 

IV. God’s answer to the legalist
A. Repent
B. Trust/believe/grow in faith
Faith glorifies God by giving all glory to Him. 
Faith is saying, “I need Jesus.” 
Faith is a windshield that you look through to see Christ. 
Faith is God’s means of connecting us to his promises. 
Faith is rest, though restless rest.
C. Feed faith with the knowledge of God
D. Bear fruit – follow, obey

1.신체문제 상담챠트

2.뇌구조 상담챠트

3.정신구조 상담챠트

4.마음이해 상담챠트

5.변화과정 상담챠트



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