[통합주의] 웨스트민스터 신앙고백서에 나타난 성경적 상담 원리(전형준)웨스트민스터 신앙고백서에 나타난 성경적 상담 원리
Principles of Biblical Counseling in Westminster Confession of Faith
약어 : KRJ
2010, vol.14, pp. 9-50 (42 pages)
UCI : G704-002004.2010.14..003
발행기관 : 개혁신학회
연구분야 : 인문학 > 기독교신학
전형준 /Hyung Joon Jun 1
The objective of this research is to verify that the principles of biblical counseling presented at CCEF―whose members consist of professors at Westminster Theological Seminary―accords with theological creed described in the Westminster Confession of Faith. To do so, an argument is made that the contemporary Christian counseling depends on principles of humanitarian psychology, which needs to be converted to biblical counseling based on reformed theology. Through the analysis, a counseling standard was established based on the ideas of reformed theology.
The following describes the research findings. Firstly, the principle "A human being is created in form of the God" stems from Chapter 4, Verse 1 and 2 of the Westminster Confession of Faith. The second principle "A human being is a degraded existence from committing a sin" is based on Chapter 6 Verse 1 through 4 of the Westminster Confession of Faith. The third principle "A human being's problem is that of a mind" is reflected in Chapter 4 Verse 2 and Chapter 10 Verse 1 of the Westminster Confession of Faith. Next principle "A main counseling tool is a bible" comes from Chapter 1 Verse 1 through 4 of the Westminster Confession of Faith. The fifth principle "A model of counseling is Jesus Christ" is based on Chapter 8 Verse 1 and 2 of the Westminster Confession of Faith. Sixthly, the principle "A human being is a suffering creature" stems from Chapter 6 Verse 5 and 6 of the Westminster Confession of Faith. Lastly, the principle "A true transformation of a human being can be done by Holy Spirit's work" is based on Chapter 13 Verse 1 through 3 and Chapter 10 Verse 2 of the Westminster Confession of Faith.
All studies including psychology need to be reinterpreted through a biblical perspective. Today's Christian counseling also needs to be reshaped into biblical counseling that focuses on reformed theology. The reason is that a sinful man can only recover the God's features and has a holy experience of becoming more like Jesus Christ through the God's words and Holy Spirit's work.
Biblical Counseling, Westminster Confession of Faith, Principle of Biblical Counseling, Reformed Theology, Problem of a Mind