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WTS (미국 웨스트민스터 신학대학원) | CCEF (기독교 상담 교육 재단)

[CCEF] 2019-national-conference-schedule-and-speakers



Download the Song list from the weekend.

Pre-Conference Options*

Introduction to Biblical Counseling (Alasdair Groves)
Marriage Counseling with Only One Person (Aaron Sironi and Lauren Whitman) |  Slides
Therefore I Have Hope: Truth and Comfort in Suffering and Tragedy (Cameron Cole)
Trauma: Entering In (Darby Strickland) | Slides

*Pre-Conference is a separate ticketed event on Thursday, October 10. Pre-Conference registration is now open. Register here.

General Sessions

General Session 1: We Are Anxious People (Alasdair Groves)

You  are anxious. We all are. But maybe we are too quick to pass this off as  a problem of weak faith or a weak body. Scripture actually understands  that our anxieties are not only feelings, but also a reaction to a world  that truly is dangerous and broken. Based in Psalm 27, this talk will  set up a framework for thinking biblically about what anxiety is, how it  reveals our hearts, and how it points us to our need for a Savior who  redeems not just our emotions, but our fragile, finite lives as well.

General Session 2: God Comes Close to Anxious People (Ed Welch)

There  is nothing more important than this: Christ is with us in the  uncertainties and troubles of everyday life. His presence is the  response to our anxieties. But, when fears and anxieties are full on, it  is not natural for us to run to Jesus and rest in him. Perhaps, if we  can grow up to become little children, this can change.

General Session 3: Daily Bread: Today's Strength for Anxious People (Ed Welch)

When  life feels frantic, someone close to you might say, “Look at me.” When  your thoughts are off somewhere in a future catastrophe, this is a way  of inviting you to come back to the present. Most modern therapies for  anxiety do the same thing. Scripture actually piloted this focus on  today, and what God offers is so much better. You can live out of God’s  grace now because he will worry about the future.

General Session 4: When Bad Things Happen: Confronting Our Fears for the Future (Julie Lowe)

Do  you ever find yourself fretting over the potential of tragedy for the  future? Do you feel like you are waiting for the other shoe to drop?  There is a range of anxieties over the future that threatens to hold us  hostage. When this occurs, we are quick to forget the goodness and  character of our Creator. We get caught up in anxious thoughts. We lose  sight of God’s benefits. This is a call to remember the God who goes  before us—a God who is good, present, sovereign, and faithful.

General Session 5: Anxiety and the Body (Mike Emlet) | Outline

Sweaty  palms. Nausea. Difficulty concentrating. Rapid heart rate.  Hyperventilation. We're often very aware of our bodies when we are  anxious. That makes sense because God has created us not only as  spiritual beings, but also as bodily creatures. So how should we  understand the experience of anxiety with respect to our bodies? Are  there times when the body plays a more central role in the development  of anxiety? This plenary will explore somatic aspects of anxiety and  suggest implications for the ways we can battle anxiety—body and soul.

General Session 6: Walking with Anxious People (Julie Lowe & Alasdair Groves) | Slides

We  can know a lot about anxiety and even make progress as individuals in  dealing with our anxiety without becoming a church community that truly  welcomes and helps those who are anxious. Led by two of our faculty,  this session will focus on practical concerns and practical solutions  for our churches as we seek to become both places of refuge and places  of faith-building for all of us, especially our most anxious brothers  and sisters.

General Session 7: Jacob: God's Unexpected Way with Our Anxieties (Andrew Nicholls)

In  Genesis 32, Jacob obeys God's command to leave Laban and return home.  But his spies report terrible news. Esau—his bested rival since before  birth—is coming out to meet him with 400 men! "In great fear and  distress," Jacob tries to maximize his chances of survival, and he prays  in a glorious God-centred, humble, needy way. In this, Jacob, the aging  usurper, demonstrates great growth! In this talk we will see how God  answers his prayer through one of the strangest and most frightening  nights of the whole Bible narrative, and we'll see that God's  understanding of being saved is not always the same as ours.

*Breakout Sessions

Breakout Session 1 Options

Scrupulosity: When Doubts Devour (Mike Emlet) | Outline | Slides

Many  Christians are paralyzed by obsessive doubts and worries about their  spiritual lives, which rob them of peace, purpose, and joy. This  workshop will provide hope-filled biblical perspective for this  struggle, known historically by the name "scrupulosity," or more  recently as "religious obsessive compulsive disorder."

Practical Ways to Work with Anxious Children (Julie Lowe) | Slides

Anxiety  pervades the lives of children and teens alike. It is our job to help  children regain their sense of peace and safety in a world that feels  precarious. This workshop will help adults forego quick fixes that  contribute to dependencies and consider how we can lead children to find  hope and security in Christ, the One who is always accessible and  present in the midst of their fears. We will talk about how to assess  children’s anxiety and provide practical ways to approach and alleviate  their struggle.

Fear of Death: Learning from a Young Father Frightened by His Mortality (Andrew Nicholls)

Death  is the great enemy we all face. Many people put off thinking about it  until it's unavoidable and are then caught unprepared. But for others it  casts a shadow over all of life that can sour and discolor every hope  and relationship. In this seminar we will consider a life example of a  man who was sensitized to death as a child and is now learning how the  gospel helps him face death, for himself and his family, as a truly  defeated enemy. Being mindful of mortality and weakness, instead of  being crippling, can open up new possibilities for our relationship with  God and our ministry to others.

Social Anxiety: Offering Help and Hope to the Fainthearted (Eamon Wilson) | Slides

What  do we fear most? Judgment or rejection of others is near the top of the  list for many of us. God created us to be social and interdependent, so  we are naturally attuned to how others view us. However, this ability  can run amok. While we all know what it’s like to be self-conscious  around someone we admire or respect, for others this fear is crippling.  From the outside looking in, the answer is simple: stop caring so much  what others think and start caring more about what God thinks. However,  when someone faces severe social anxiety, these words don’t penetrate  the panic or even reflect an understanding of the experience. The person  you were trying to help might even feel judged by you, too. So how can  we offer help that is neither condemning or dismissive? What words  reflect deep compassion and patience? This breakout will outline the  multifaceted manifestations of social anxiety disorder as well as  faithful biblical formulations for practical help.

Facing Anxiety and Fears Over a Loved-One's Struggle with Sexuality (Ellen Dykas) | Outline

A  secret sexual addiction is exposed. A loved one comes out as gay,  transgender or_____ in the ever-evolving list of identity labels. Even  as the voice of our sexualized culture can be noisy and disturbing, the  impact is more profound when these issues enter our close relationships.  This workshop will help you honestly face your circumstances by looking  at them as Scripture does: a form of suffering through which God wants  you to draw near to him. Christ has comfort, wisdom, and practical steps  of love in response to the anxiety and fear that comes when a loved  one's sexual struggles come to the light.


Breakout Session 2 Options

Panic, Breathing Well, and Engaging with God (Todd Stryd) | OutlineSlides 

The  experience of a panic attack is a frightening one. Its lurking  presence, threatening to pounce on us at any moment, can slowly unravel  our world.  How are we  supposed to think biblically about this affliction and how do we sift  through all the suggested ways to help? Todd Stryd will consider the  experience of panic attacks and offer principles that shape how we  engage God, and how we can use tools like breathing exercises in the  care of those we counsel.

The Littlest Victims (Darby Strickland) | Slides

Children  who live in homes where domestic violence is present suffer intense  stress. They live in fear and with anxiety. The effects are often long  lasting. We will focus on Christian families plagued by domestic  violence and the damage done to a child’s spiritual and relational  formation. We will discuss the short and long terms effects of exposure.  You will gain practical tools for how to help children at different  developmental stages, as well as adult survivors.

Still Nervous about Judgment Day? (Steve Estes)

Grace permeates every Christian book you read—but  still you can't shake what Scripture says about Judgment Day. You know  you stand justified, the cross is your very life, but before celestial  gates open, there looms God's final public evaluation of your life.  Perhaps Luke 12:2 haunts your nights: "There is nothing concealed that  will not be disclosed." Or 2 Corinthians 5:9 unsettles your stomach: "We  must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may  receive what is due him for the things done in the body, whether good or  bad." How are you not supposed to be anxious?! This seminar is for  Christians feeling the weight of that day.

Preparing for the Worst: Helping First Responders and Military Personnel Develop Spiritual Resiliency (Curtis Solomon) | Outline |Slides

In  this fallen world, everyone will experience some level of suffering and  trauma. However, first-responders and military personnel face a higher  risk of repeated exposure to extreme suffering and trauma. For those who  have chosen to serve in these heroic professions, is there a way to  guard against the damaging effects of this level of exposure? This  workshop will demonstrate how engaging with God’s Word can inoculate our  hearts against some of the most severe responses to trauma like Post  Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The New Anxiety: Fear of Missing Out (F.O.M.O) (Robyn Huck) | Slides

Have  you noticed the symptoms? A couple on a date, eyes focused on their  phones rather than each other. People who keep notifications on all  night, forgoing sleep in order to stay connected. An important  conversation interrupted with, “Sorry, I should take this call.” And yet  another accident caused by texting while driving. These are just a few  of the symptoms of F.O.M.O., the fear of missing out. We are all  vulnerable to it, and young people are being shaped by it. Social media  and 24/7 connectivity tempt us to comparison and discontent along with  the highs and lows of deriving our sense of value from what others say.  In this workshop, we’ll identify these tendencies that often result in  lack of productivity, anxiety, and depression, and we'll move toward a  deeper understanding of God as the Good Shepherd, the one in whom we  find the richness of life.

Breakout Session 3 Options

Trusting after Trauma (Darby Strickland) | Slides

Complex  relational trauma creates many wounds. One wound might be the  sufferer’s inability to get help and build community. A life story that  has been shaped by repetitive and deep betrayal often results in anxiety  in forming relationships—especially  helping relationships. This workshop will provide concrete ways that we  can embody Jesus for those who experience anxiety as we move toward  sufferers to help.

Dread: Anxiety's First Cousin (Jayne Clark)

Some  of us experience dread more than outright anxiety. We feel more of a  sense of foreboding rather than nervousness. We are reluctant more than  paralyzed. This workshop will dig into the experience of dread, how we  react to it, how the Bible speaks to it, and how the Lord moves toward  us in the midst of it.

Finding Rest in Grace for Anxious Suburban Teenagers (Cameron Cole)

Studies  indicate that American suburban teenagers experience higher anxiety  levels than their peers who live in areas with high-crime and homicide  rates. Due largely to the college admissions race and the over-scheduled  lives of these kids, anxiety has become an epidemic. This breakout will  look at three things: the anxiety epidemic among suburban teens; the  dynamics of shame culture that contribute to it; and how the gospel  offers rest and relief to them.

Decision Anxiety and the Will of God  (Michael Gembola) | Outline

Having  the freedom to make big and small choices can be both a blessing and a  curse. This session will validate the experience of decision anxiety in  the context of modern life pressures, and address problematic  assurance-seeking behaviors. We will see trust, risk, faithfulness, and  humility as virtues to cultivate to counteract fearful indecision, and  engage several key tensions with Christian wisdom: action and rest,  safety and risk, planning and flexibility, consultation and  independence. We'll seek to cultivate a heart more at rest in the  goodness of God and inspired by the opportunity to make decisions in  loving relationship with God and others.

Anxiety and Relationships: Counseling People Who Struggle with Insecurity and Codependency (Ellen Dykas) | Outline

Since  Genesis 3, struggles and messiness in our relationships is the normal  human experience. Insecurity and codependency are cousins in the family  of broken relationship patterns. We crave and demand that people make us  feel okay, valued, and satisfied. Anxiety easily hijacks our hearts  when people don't come through and our desires and demands aren't met.  This workshop will locate patterns of insecurity and codependency in  Scripture and how Christ, our true refuge, enables us to love people  more than we need or fear them.

Breakout Session 4 Options

Engaging Anxiety in Song (Sandra McCracken)

One  of God's gifts to help carry us through the troubles of life is music.  The Psalms, the songbook of Scripture, have been called "'An Anatomy of  all the Parts of the Soul," for it is here where Scripture paints our  every emotion in vivid color. But how can we access the music of the  Psalms when all we feel is anxiety and distress? How can we sing by  faith, even with a trembling heart? This session will consider and  practice how to pray the psalms and sing a new song even in times of  fear and uncertainty.

PTSD: Mending Body and Soul after Trauma (Eamon Wilson) | Slides

Trauma  is a destructive force that rends body and soul. While approaches to  trauma have become more sophisticated, Christians are often left with  resources that address fragments of the person rather than the whole. A  more holistic understanding of trauma must include a robust biblical  anthropology and Christian worldview, as well as capture the experience  of the individual impacted by trauma. This breakout will address how to  understand trauma from a biblical worldview that is theologically rich  and cognizant of the clinical literature.

A Practical Picture of Counseling an Anxious Person (Todd Stryd) | Outline | Slides

Do you know where you want to take someone with anxiety?  Do you have a vision for how you will help and what your help will look like?  This presentation will provide an overarching framework for how you can think about and practically counsel anxious people.  We will supplement this framework through role-play examples (assisted by Laura Andrews).

Speaking Directly from Scripture to an Anxious Person (Robyn Huck, Steve Estes & Andrew Nicholls)

An  anxious person is standing in front of you. They desire encouragement  amidst their anxious thoughts. They want to hear the words of life.  Where will you take them? What passages address their very real  struggles? In this breakout, Andrew Nicholls, Steve Estes, and Robyn  Huck will each present one meaningful passage about anxiety as if they  are talking directly to an anxious person. We hope to increase  familiarity and access passages about anxiety and actually hear how  someone would speak those passages to another person. Q&A to follow.

Loving a Prodigal and the Attrition of Anxiety (Dave Harvey)

This  session explores the nature of waywardness and why it sparks anxiety in  the hearts of those who love someone who has gone astray. In this  session we will discuss the experience of shame of those who suffer the  indignity of loving someone more than they are loved by that person. We  will discover together that the gospel speaks in comprehensive and  refreshing ways that can reduce the worry, fretting, and shame that  accompanies this form of suffering.


Ed Welch - Ed, M.Div., Ph.D. is a counselor and faculty member at CCEF where he has served for more than 35 years. He earned a Ph.D. in counseling (neuropsychology) from the University of Utah and has a Master of Divinity degree from Biblical Theological Seminary. Ed has been counseling for over thirty years and has written many books and articles on biblical counseling, including When People Are Big and God Is Small; Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave; Blame It on the Brain?; Depression; Running Scared; Shame, Interrupted; and Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love. He and his wife, Sheri, have two married daughters and eight grandchildren. In his spare time, Ed enjoys spending time with his wife and extended family and playing his guitar.

Ed Welch

Edward T. Welch, M.Div., Ph.D. is a counselor and faculty member at CCEF. He earned a Ph.D. in counseling (neuropsychology) from the University of Utah and has a Master of Divinity degree from Biblical Theological Seminary. Ed has been counseling for over thirty years and has written many books and articles on biblical counseling, including When People Are Big and God Is Small; Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave; Blame It on the Brain?; Depression; Running Scared; Shame Interrupted; Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love; and A Small Book about a Big Problem: Meditations on Anger, Patience, and Peace. He and his wife, Sheri, have two married daughters and eight grandchildren. In his spare time, Ed enjoys spending time with his wife and extended family and playing his guitar.
Alasdair Groves - Alasdair directs CCEF New England and is a faculty member at CCEF, where he currently serves as the Director of the School of Biblical Counseling. He received his Master of Divinity in counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary. Alasdair has served on the staff of several churches and has a background in campus ministry. He writes for the Journal of Biblical Counseling, and regularly teaches a variety of seminars around the New England region. Alasdair and his wife, Lauren, have three children. Alasdair is a fiction enthusiast, plays ultimate frisbee, and loves to produce and enjoy both good food and good music.

Alasdair Groves

Alasdair Groves directs CCEF New England and is a faculty member at CCEF, where he currently serves as the Director of the School of Biblical Counseling. He received his Master of Divinity in counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary. Alasdair has served on the staff of several churches and has a background in campus ministry. He writes for the Journal of Biblical Counseling, and regularly teaches a variety of seminars around the New England region. Alasdair and his wife, Lauren, have three children. Alasdair is a fiction enthusiast, plays ultimate frisbee, and loves to produce and enjoy both good food and good music.
Julie Lowe - Julie is a faculty member at CCEF where she has served for more than 15 years. She holds an MA in counseling from Biblical Theological Seminary. She is a licensed professional counselor with over fifteen years of counseling experience. She has extensive experience with women’s issues, sexual abuse, body image issues, parenting, and child maltreatment issues, and regularly speaks at events on these topics. Julie is also a registered play therapist and has developed a play therapy office at CCEF to better serve families, teens and children. Julie has trained a therapy dog that she works with both professionally and on a volunteer basis. Julie and her husband, Greg, have five children and serve as foster and adoptive parents.

Julie Lowe

Julie Lowe is a faculty member at CCEF. She holds an MA in counseling from Biblical Theological Seminary. She is a licensed professional counselor with over fifteen years of counseling experience. She has extensive experience with women’s issues, sexual abuse, body image issues, parenting, and child maltreatment issues, and regularly speaks at events on these topics. Julie is also a registered play therapist and has developed a play therapy office at CCEF to better serve families, teens and children. She is a trained facilitator for Stewards of Children, a non-profit organization that provides training on child sexual abuse. Julie has trained a therapy dog that she works with both professionally and on a volunteer basis. Julie and her husband, Greg, have six children and serve as foster and adoptive parents.
Mike Emlet - Mike is a faculty member at CCEF where he has served for more than 15 years. He holds an MD from the University of Pennsylvania and an MDiv degree from Westminster Theological Seminary. He worked as a family physician for twelve years before joining CCEF. Mike has counseled for many years and is the author of CrossTalk: Where Life and Scripture Meet, which explores the use of Scripture in counseling. Mike is married to Jody, and they have two children. He is active in his urban church and enjoys gardening, camping, and creating wheel-thrown pottery.

Mike Emlet

Mike Emlet is a faculty member at CCEF. He holds an MD from the University of Pennsylvania and an MDiv degree from Westminster Theological Seminary. He worked as a family physician for over ten years before joining CCEF. Mike has counseled for many years and is the author of CrossTalk: Where Life and Scripture Meet, which explores the use of Scripture in counseling, as well as Descriptions and Prescriptions: A Biblical Perspective on Psychiatric Diagnoses and Medications. Mike is married to Jody, and they have two children. He is active in his urban church and enjoys gardening, camping, and creating wheel-thrown pottery.
Todd Stryd - Todd is the counseling coordinator and a faculty member at CCEF where he has served for more than 10 years. He holds a PsyD from Immaculata University and an MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary. His dissertation work explored the relationship between a reformed Christian narrative and the experience of schizophrenia. He has experience as a hospital chaplain, crisis worker, and university counselor. Todd is married with three children. He considers himself a coffee connoisseur and fills his off days with reading Winnie the Pooh and making Lego creations.

Todd Stryd

Todd Stryd is a faculty member at CCEF and the counseling coordinator. He holds a PsyD from Immaculata University and an MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary. His dissertation work explored the relationship between a reformed Christian narrative and the experience of schizophrenia. He has experience as a hospital chaplain, crisis worker, and university counselor. Todd is married with three children. He considers himself a coffee connoisseur and fills his off days with reading Winnie the Pooh and making Lego creations.
Darby Strickland - Darby has a Master of Divinity degree in Counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bio-psychology from the University of Chicago. She has been doing formal counseling for over a decade. In addition to serving as a missionary to Northern Ireland for two years, she has also supported the ministry of the church as a speaker at women's retreats, bible study teacher, and support group leader. While focused on marriage and family counseling, Darby has a special interest in working with abused and developmentally delayed children. She and her husband, John, have three young children. Her hobbies include photography, swimming, reading, and word games.

Darby Strickland

Darby has a Master of Divinity degree in Counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bio-psychology from the University of Chicago. She has been doing formal counseling for over a decade. In addition to serving as a missionary to Northern Ireland for two years, she has also supported the ministry of the church as a speaker at women's retreats, bible study teacher, and support group leader. While focused on marriage and family counseling, Darby has a special interest in working with abused and developmentally delayed children. She and her husband, John, have three young children. Her hobbies include photography, swimming, reading, and word games.
Cameron is the director of children, youth, and family at Cathedral Church of the Advent in Birmingham, Alabama, and chairman of Rooted, a ministry dedicated to fostering gospel-centered student ministry.

Cameron Cole

Cameron Cole is the Director of Children, Youth, and Families at the Cathedral Church of the Advent, where he has served since 2005. He is the founding chairman of Rooted Ministry, an organization that promotes gospel-centered youth ministry. He is the co-editor of “Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry: A Practice Guide” (Crossway, 2016). Cameron is the author of Therefore, I Have Hope: 12 Truths that Comfort, Sustain, and Redeem in Tragedy (Crossway, 2018), which won World Magazine’s 2018 Book of the Year (Accessible Theology) and was runner up for The Gospel Coalition's Book of the Year (First-Time Author). Cameron has a B.A. in Latin and English and an M.A. in Education, all from Wake Forest; he is currently pursuing a Masters in Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Lauren, live in Birmingham, AL and are the parents of four children.
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Andrew Nicholls

From a Christian home and converted at university, Andrew qualified as a doctor from the University of Cambridge in 1992, and almost immediately began exploring a change of job. Ten years later he was a pastor in south-west London, married to Hilary, with very little idea how the gospel really connected with the problems faced by the congregation. After five years, he started studying online with SBC at CCEF, and the lights came on! Since summer 2018 he has been Director of Pastoral Care at Oak Hill College, London, where he is valuing a very precious opportunity to help the pastors of tomorrow make a better start than he did.

Andrew is founding trustee of a crisis pregnancy centre, he serves on the Executive Committee for Biblical Counselling UK, which aims to help churches be places of Christ-centred change, and with Helen Thorne produced Real Change, edited by David Powlison (2018: New Growth Press), to make David's Three Trees diagram as accessible as possible to people in church. He and Hilary have two teenage sons and Kip, a lively cocker spaniel.
Sandra McCracken

Sandra McCracken

Sandra McCracken’s prolific contributions as a songwriter, modern-day hymn writer, and record producer has brought grace and clarity to her soulful, folk-gospel sound. Whether in a theater or in a chapel, she is a dynamic performer who blurs the lines of what church music sounds like, captivating and inviting audiences to sing along. While many of her songs like “We Will Feast In The House Of Zion” and “Thy Mercy My God” have settled into regular rotation in Christian worship services internationally, she has also had songs recorded by All Sons And Daughters, ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, Audrey Assad, A Rocha Compilation, Bifrost Arts, Caedmon’s Call and others. She is further a founding member of Indelible Grace Music and Rain For Roots (children’s music) and has been a guest writer for Art House America, She Reads Truth, The Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, RELEVANT Magazine and more.
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Jayne Clark

Jayne V. Clark, MAR, is the Acting Executive Director at CCEF. She is also a counselor with over eighteen years of experience, a frequent retreat and conference speaker, and the author of the minibook Single and Lonely: Finding the Intimacy You Desire, Healing Broken Relationships: What to Do When You've Been Hurt and many counseling articles.

Curtis Solomon

Curtis serves as Director of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. He received a B.A. in Biblical Studies from The Master’s University and an M.Div. in Christian Ministries from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Biblical Counseling. As an Air Force veteran Curtis is passionate about his dissertation topic which applies the truth of God’s Word to help those struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress. He is a certified member of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Curtis' other ministry experience includes; serving as a missionary in the Arizona state legislature, Associate Pastor at Cornerstone Community Church, Instructor at Cornerstone Biblical Counseling Training Center, Visiting Professor at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte and Adjunct Professor at Boyce College. He and his wife, Jenny, were married in 2003 and have two delightful sons.

Ellen Dykas

Ellen Mary Dykas joined the staff of Harvest USA in 2007 as Women’s Ministry Coordinator. Before that, she served as a missionary and member of the missions’ staff at her church in St. Louis. She grew up in the Midwest and still enjoys visits to the heartland!

Ellen received her MA in Biblical and Theological studies at Covenant Theological Seminary, Creve Coeur, MO. She also received a Graduate Certificate in Biblical Counseling from the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (CCEF), Glenside, PA. She delights to teach God’s word and come alongside women in their spiritual journey..

Dave Harvey

Dave Harvey is a teaching pastor at Summit Church in Fort Myers/Naples, Florida, and founder of AmICalled.com. Dave has served on the board of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation since 2006. He has also authored numerous books, including When Sinners Say I Do: Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage (Shepherd’s Press, 2007), Letting Go: Rugged Love for Wayward Souls (Zondervan, 2016) with Paul Gilbert, and his upcoming release I Still DO! (Baker, 2020).

Michael Gembola

Michael Gembola (MAR, MAC) is Executive Director of Blue Ridge Christian Counseling, Inc. in Roanoke, VA. Previously he served as the director of congregational care at his church and as a licensed professional counselor at CCEF. Michael teaches at the Blue Ridge Institute for Theological Education (BRITE) and online at Westminster Seminary, where he graduated with Masters degrees in Counseling and Biblical Studies. He is the author of After an Affair: Pursuing Restoration and several articles. He and his wife Kelly live in Roanoke, VA with their two sons.

Eamon Wilson

Dr. Eamon Wilson is a licensed clinical psychologist in Ontario, Canada. He holds an M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary, and a Psy.D. (clinical psychology) from Widener University. After counseling at CCEF for 6 years, Eamon now works in several rural communities in Northern Ontario where he both counsels and evaluates children and adolescents for learning disabilities and developmental delays. Other contexts he has counseled include a psychiatric hospital, university campus counseling center, and assessment of diaconal candidates. Eamon has taught biblical counseling courses at Heritage Seminary in Ontario, and Fondation due Counseling Biblique in Quebec. Eamon is married with three children.

Robyn Huck

Robyn Huck is a counselor, speaker, and writer at CCEF New England. Robyn enjoys leading Bible studies and has spoken at many conferences and retreats. She has a passion for connecting biblical truths and comforts to the challenges of life. Robyn and her husband Karl are parents to three grown children and have two daughters-in-law and four grandchildren! They enjoy big band music, fox trot and swing dancing, tandem bicycling, building crazy things (like tree houses), and playing with kids.
Ed Welch - Ed, M.Div., Ph.D. is a counselor and faculty member at CCEF where he has served for more than 35 years. He earned a Ph.D. in counseling (neuropsychology) from the University of Utah and has a Master of Divinity degree from Biblical Theological Seminary. Ed has been counseling for over thirty years and has written many books and articles on biblical counseling, including When People Are Big and God Is Small; Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave; Blame It on the Brain?; Depression; Running Scared; Shame, Interrupted; and Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love. He and his wife, Sheri, have two married daughters and eight grandchildren. In his spare time, Ed enjoys spending time with his wife and extended family and playing his guitar.

Ed Welch

Edward  T. Welch, M.Div., Ph.D. is a counselor and faculty member at CCEF. He  earned a Ph.D. in counseling (neuropsychology) from the University of  Utah and has a Master of Divinity degree from Biblical Theological  Seminary. Ed has been counseling for over thirty years and has written  many books and articles on biblical counseling, including When People  Are Big and God Is Small; Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave; Blame It  on the Brain?; Depression; Running Scared; Shame Interrupted; Side by  Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love; and A Small Book about a  Big Problem: Meditations on Anger, Patience, and Peace. He and his wife,  Sheri, have two married daughters and eight grandchildren. In his spare  time, Ed enjoys spending time with his wife and extended family and  playing his guitar.

Alasdair Groves - Alasdair directs CCEF New England and is a faculty member at CCEF, where he currently serves as the Director of the School of Biblical Counseling. He received his Master of Divinity in counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary. Alasdair has served on the staff of several churches and has a background in campus ministry. He writes for the Journal of Biblical Counseling, and regularly teaches a variety of seminars around the New England region. Alasdair and his wife, Lauren, have three children. Alasdair is a fiction enthusiast, plays ultimate frisbee, and loves to produce and enjoy both good food and good music.

Alasdair Groves

Alasdair  Groves directs CCEF New England and is a faculty member at CCEF, where  he currently serves as the Director of the School of Biblical  Counseling. He received his Master of Divinity in counseling from  Westminster Theological Seminary. Alasdair has served on the staff of  several churches and has a background in campus ministry. He writes for  the Journal of Biblical Counseling, and regularly teaches a variety of  seminars around the New England region. Alasdair and his wife, Lauren,  have three children. Alasdair is a fiction enthusiast, plays ultimate  frisbee, and loves to produce and enjoy both good food and good music.

Julie Lowe - Julie is a faculty member at CCEF where she has served for more than 15 years. She holds an MA in counseling from Biblical Theological Seminary. She is a licensed professional counselor with over fifteen years of counseling experience. She has extensive experience with women’s issues, sexual abuse, body image issues, parenting, and child maltreatment issues, and regularly speaks at events on these topics. Julie is also a registered play therapist and has developed a play therapy office at CCEF to better serve families, teens and children. Julie has trained a therapy dog that she works with both professionally and on a volunteer basis. Julie and her husband, Greg, have five children and serve as foster and adoptive parents.

Julie Lowe

Julie  Lowe is a faculty member at CCEF. She holds an MA in counseling from  Biblical Theological Seminary. She is a licensed professional counselor  with over fifteen years of counseling experience. She has extensive  experience with women’s issues, sexual abuse, body image issues,  parenting, and child maltreatment issues, and regularly speaks at events  on these topics. Julie is also a registered play therapist and has  developed a play therapy office at CCEF to better serve families, teens  and children. She is a trained facilitator for Stewards of Children, a  non-profit organization that provides training on child sexual abuse.  Julie has trained a therapy dog that she works with both professionally  and on a volunteer basis. Julie and her husband, Greg, have six children  and serve as foster and adoptive parents.

Mike Emlet - Mike is a faculty member at CCEF where he has served for more than 15 years. He holds an MD from the University of Pennsylvania and an MDiv degree from Westminster Theological Seminary. He worked as a family physician for twelve years before joining CCEF. Mike has counseled for many years and is the author of CrossTalk: Where Life and Scripture Meet, which explores the use of Scripture in counseling. Mike is married to Jody, and they have two children. He is active in his urban church and enjoys gardening, camping, and creating wheel-thrown pottery.

Mike Emlet

Mike  Emlet is a faculty member at CCEF. He holds an MD from the University  of Pennsylvania and an MDiv degree from Westminster Theological  Seminary. He worked as a family physician for over ten years before  joining CCEF. Mike has counseled for many years and is the author of  CrossTalk: Where Life and Scripture Meet, which explores the use of  Scripture in counseling, as well as Descriptions and Prescriptions: A  Biblical Perspective on Psychiatric Diagnoses and Medications. Mike is  married to Jody, and they have two children. He is active in his urban  church and enjoys gardening, camping, and creating wheel-thrown pottery.

Todd Stryd - Todd is the counseling coordinator and a faculty member at CCEF where he has served for more than 10 years. He holds a PsyD from Immaculata University and an MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary. His dissertation work explored the relationship between a reformed Christian narrative and the experience of schizophrenia. He has experience as a hospital chaplain, crisis worker, and university counselor. Todd is married with three children. He considers himself a coffee connoisseur and fills his off days with reading Winnie the Pooh and making Lego creations.

Todd Stryd

Todd  Stryd is a faculty member at CCEF and the counseling coordinator. He  holds a PsyD from Immaculata University and an MDiv from Westminster  Theological Seminary. His dissertation work explored the relationship  between a reformed Christian narrative and the experience of  schizophrenia. He has experience as a hospital chaplain, crisis worker,  and university counselor. Todd is married with three children. He  considers himself a coffee connoisseur and fills his off days with  reading Winnie the Pooh and making Lego creations.

Darby Strickland - Darby has a Master of Divinity degree in Counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bio-psychology from the University of Chicago. She has been doing formal counseling for over a decade. In addition to serving as a missionary to Northern Ireland for two years, she has also supported the ministry of the church as a speaker at women's retreats, bible study teacher, and support group leader. While focused on marriage and family counseling, Darby has a special interest in working with abused and developmentally delayed children. She and her husband, John, have three young children. Her hobbies include photography, swimming, reading, and word games.

Darby Strickland

Darby  has a Master of Divinity degree in Counseling from Westminster  Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bio-psychology  from the University of Chicago. She has been doing formal counseling for  over a decade. In addition to serving as a missionary to Northern  Ireland for two years, she has also supported the ministry of the church  as a speaker at women's retreats, bible study teacher, and support  group leader. While focused on marriage and family counseling, Darby has  a special interest in working with abused and developmentally delayed  children. She and her husband, John, have three young children. Her  hobbies include photography, swimming, reading, and word games.

Cameron Cole

Cameron  Cole is the Director of Children, Youth, and Families at the Cathedral  Church of the Advent, where he has served since 2005. He is the founding  chairman of Rooted Ministry, an organization that promotes  gospel-centered youth ministry. He is the co-editor of “Gospel-Centered  Youth Ministry: A Practice Guide” (Crossway, 2016). Cameron is the  author of Therefore, I Have Hope: 12 Truths that Comfort, Sustain, and  Redeem in Tragedy (Crossway, 2018), which won World Magazine’s 2018 Book  of the Year (Accessible Theology) and was runner up for The Gospel  Coalition's Book of the Year (First-Time Author). Cameron has a B.A. in  Latin and English and an M.A. in Education, all from Wake Forest; he is  currently pursuing a Masters in Divinity from Reformed Theological  Seminary. He and his wife, Lauren, live in Birmingham, AL and are the  parents of four children.

Orange Speaker Photos for Web_AN

Andrew Nicholls

From  a Christian home and converted at university, Andrew qualified as a  doctor from the University of Cambridge in 1992, and almost immediately  began exploring a change of job. Ten years later he was a pastor in  south-west London, married to Hilary, with very little idea how the  gospel really connected with the problems faced by the congregation.  After five years, he started studying online with SBC at CCEF, and the  lights came on! Since summer 2018 he has been Director of Pastoral Care  at Oak Hill College, London, where he is valuing a very precious  opportunity to help the pastors of tomorrow make a better start than he  did.

Andrew  is founding trustee of a crisis pregnancy centre, he serves on the  Executive Committee for Biblical Counselling UK, which aims to help  churches be places of Christ-centred change, and with Helen Thorne  produced Real Change, edited by David Powlison (2018: New Growth Press),  to make David's Three Trees diagram as accessible as possible to people  in church. He and Hilary have two teenage sons and Kip, a lively cocker  spaniel.

Sandra McCracken

Sandra McCracken

Sandra  McCracken’s prolific contributions as a songwriter, modern-day hymn  writer, and record producer has brought grace and clarity to her  soulful, folk-gospel sound. Whether in a theater or in a chapel, she is a  dynamic performer who blurs the lines of what church music sounds like,  captivating and inviting audiences to sing along. While many of her  songs like “We Will Feast In The House Of Zion” and “Thy Mercy My God”  have settled into regular rotation in Christian worship services  internationally, she has also had songs recorded by All Sons And  Daughters, ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, Audrey Assad, A Rocha Compilation,  Bifrost Arts, Caedmon’s Call and others. She is further a founding  member of Indelible Grace Music and Rain For Roots (children’s music)  and has been a guest writer for Art House America, She Reads Truth, The  Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, RELEVANT Magazine and more.

Orange Speaker Photos for Web_JVC

Jayne Clark

Jayne  V. Clark, MAR, is the Acting Executive Director at CCEF. She is also a  counselor with over eighteen years of experience, a frequent retreat and  conference speaker, and the author of the minibook Single and Lonely:  Finding the Intimacy You Desire, Healing Broken Relationships: What to  Do When You've Been Hurt and many counseling articles.


Curtis Solomon

Curtis  serves as Director of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. He received a  B.A. in Biblical Studies from The Master’s University and an M.Div. in  Christian Ministries from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary  where he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Biblical Counseling. As an Air  Force veteran Curtis is passionate about his dissertation topic which  applies the truth of God’s Word to help those struggling with  Post-Traumatic Stress. He is a certified member of the Association of  Certified Biblical Counselors. Curtis' other ministry experience  includes; serving as a missionary in the Arizona state legislature,  Associate Pastor at Cornerstone Community Church, Instructor at  Cornerstone Biblical Counseling Training Center, Visiting Professor at  Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte and Adjunct Professor at Boyce  College. He and his wife, Jenny, were married in 2003 and have two  delightful sons.


Ellen Dykas

Ellen  Mary Dykas joined the staff of Harvest USA in 2007 as Women’s Ministry  Coordinator. Before that, she served as a missionary and member of the  missions’ staff at her church in St. Louis. She grew up in the Midwest  and still enjoys visits to the heartland!

Ellen  received her MA in Biblical and Theological studies at Covenant  Theological Seminary, Creve Coeur, MO. She also received a Graduate  Certificate in Biblical Counseling from the Christian Counseling and  Education Foundation (CCEF), Glenside, PA. She delights to teach God’s  word and come alongside women in their spiritual journey..


Dave Harvey

Dave  Harvey is a teaching pastor at Summit Church in Fort Myers/Naples,  Florida, and founder of AmICalled.com. Dave has served on the board of  the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation since 2006. He has  also authored numerous books, including When Sinners Say I Do:  Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage (Shepherd’s Press,  2007), Letting Go: Rugged Love for Wayward Souls (Zondervan, 2016) with  Paul Gilbert, and his upcoming release I Still DO! (Baker, 2020).


Michael Gembola

Michael  Gembola (MAR, MAC) is Executive Director of Blue Ridge Christian  Counseling, Inc. in Roanoke, VA. Previously he served as the director of  congregational care at his church and as a licensed professional  counselor at CCEF. Michael teaches at the Blue Ridge Institute for  Theological Education (BRITE) and online at Westminster Seminary, where  he graduated with Masters degrees in Counseling and Biblical Studies. He  is the author of After an Affair: Pursuing Restoration and several  articles. He and his wife Kelly live in Roanoke, VA with their two sons.


Eamon Wilson

Dr.  Eamon Wilson is a licensed clinical psychologist in Ontario, Canada. He  holds an M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary, and a Psy.D.  (clinical psychology) from Widener University. After counseling at CCEF  for 6 years, Eamon now works in several rural communities in Northern  Ontario where he both counsels and evaluates children and adolescents  for learning disabilities and developmental delays. Other contexts he  has counseled include a psychiatric hospital, university campus  counseling center, and assessment of diaconal candidates. Eamon has  taught biblical counseling courses at Heritage Seminary in Ontario, and  Fondation due Counseling Biblique in Quebec. Eamon is married with three  children.


Robyn Huck

Robyn  Huck is a counselor, speaker, and writer at CCEF New England. Robyn  enjoys leading Bible studies and has spoken at many conferences and  retreats. She has a passion for connecting biblical truths and comforts  to the challenges of life. Robyn and her husband Karl are parents to  three grown children and have two daughters-in-law and four  grandchildren! They enjoy big band music, fox trot and swing dancing,  tandem bicycling, building crazy things (like tree houses), and playing  with kids.


상담시리즈 학차신청 현장실시간 세미나

1.뇌구조 상담챠트

2.신체문제 상담챠트

3.정신구조 상담챠트

4.마음이해 상담챠트

5.변화과정 상담챠트

원장 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 2019-11-15 (금) 23:16 4년전

세션즈 다운로우드 더 송 리스트 프럼 더 위켄드. 프리 칸퍼런스 압션즈 인트러덕션 투 비블러컬 카운설링 얼래스데어 그로우브즈 메어리지 카운설링 윋 오운리 원 퍼선 에어런 시로우니 언드 로런 윗머 ...더보기

4964 / 5000
주말부터 노래 목록을 다운로드하십시오.
사전 회의 옵션*
성서 상담소 소개(Alasdair Groves)
단 한 사람(아론 시로니와 로렌 휘트먼)과 결혼 상담 | 슬라이드
그러므로 나는 희망을 가지고 있다: 고통과 비극의 진실과 편안함 (카메론 콜)
트라우마(Darby Strickland) | 미끄럼틀

*Pre-Conference는 10월 10일 목요일에 별도로 티켓팅된 이벤트 입니다. 사전 컨퍼런스 등록이 지금 열려 있다. 여기에 등록하십시오.

일반 세션
일반 세션 1: 우리는 유해한 사람들(Alasdair Groves)

너는 초조해하고 있다. 우리 모두 그렇다. 그러나 어쩌면 우리는 이것을 믿음이 약하거나 몸이 허약한 문제로 떠넘기기에는 너무 빠를지도 모른다. 성경은 실제로 우리의 근심이 감정일 뿐만 아니라 진정으로 위험하고 망가진 세계에 대한 반응이라는 것을 이해한다. 시편 27에 기반을 둔 이 강연은 불안이 무엇인지, 우리의 마음을 어떻게 드러내는지, 그리고 그것이 우리의 감정뿐만 아니라 연약하고 유한한 삶까지 되찾아 주는 구원자를 어떻게 우리에게 가르쳐 주는지 성경적으로 생각할 틀을 마련할 것이다.
일반 세션 2: 유해한 사람들에게 가까이 다가선 신(Ed Welch)

이것보다 더 중요한 것은 없다. 그리스도는 일상생활의 불확실성과 어려움에 우리와 함께 있다. 그의 존재는 우리의 근심에 대한 반응이다. 그러나 두려움과 근심이 가득 차 있을 때 우리가 예수께 달려가 그 안에서 쉬는 것은 당연한 일이 아니다. 아마도, 우리가 자라서 어린 아이들이 될 수 있다면, 이것은 바뀔 수 있다.
일반 세션 3: 일일 빵: 오늘의 불안한 사람들을 위한 힘 (에드 웰치)

인생이 정신없이 느껴질 때, 가까운 누군가가 "나 좀 봐"라고 말할지도 모른다. 미래의 재난에서 여러분의 생각이 어딘가에서 떠나 있을 때, 이것은 여러분을 현재로 돌아오도록 초대하는 방법이다. 대부분의 현대적 불안요법은 같은 일을 한다. 성경은 실제로 오늘날 이 초점을 조종했고, 신이 제공하는 것이 훨씬 더 좋다. 당신은 이제 신의 은총에서 벗어날 수 있다. 왜냐하면 그는 미래에 대해 걱정할 것이기 때문이다.
일반 세션 4: 나쁜 일이 발생할 때: 미래에 대한 우리의 두려움 직면 (줄리 로)

당신은 미래에 대한 비극의 가능성에 대해 초조해하는 자신을 발견했는가? 너는 다른 신발이 떨어지기를 기다리고 있다고 생각하니? 미래에 대한 불안감이 우리를 인질로 잡고 있다. 이런 일이 일어나면, 우리는 우리의 창조주의 선함과 인격을 금방 잊어버린다. 우리는 불안한 생각에 사로잡힌다. 우리는 신의 이익을 보지 못한다. 이것은 우리 앞에 가는 하나님을 기억하라는 요구다. 선하고, 현재적이며, 주권적이고, 신실한 하나님.
일반 세션 5: 불안과 신체(마이크 이믈렛) | 개요

땀에 젖은 손바닥 메스꺼움 집중하기 어렵다. 심박수가 빨라. 과호흡. 우리는 불안할 때 종종 우리의 몸을 매우 의식한다. 그것은 말이 된다. 왜냐하면 신은 우리를 영적인 존재로서뿐만 아니라 육체적인 생물로서도 창조해 내셨기 때문이다. 그렇다면 우리는 우리 몸에 대한 불안의 경험을 어떻게 이해해야 할까? 몸이 불안의 발달에 있어서 보다 중심적인 역할을 할 때가 있는가? 이 총회는 불안의 체면을 탐구하고 불안과 싸울 수 있는 방법, 즉 육체와 영혼에 대한 함축적 의미를 제시할 것이다.
일반 세션 6: 불안한 사람들과 함께 걷는 것(줄리 로 & 알라스데어 그로브스) | 슬라이드

우리는 불안감에 대해 많은 것을 알 수 있고 심지어 불안감에 빠진 사람들을 진심으로 환영하고 돕는 교회 공동체가 되지 않고 우리의 불안을 다루는데 있어서 개인으로서도 진전을 이룰 수 있다. 우리 두 명의 교직원이 이끄는 이 회의는 우리 모두의 피난처와 특히 우리의 가장 불안한 형제자매들을 위한 믿음의 장소가 되기 위해 애쓰는 우리 교회를 위한 실질적인 우려와 실질적인 해결책에 초점을 맞출 것이다.
일반 세션 7: Jacob: 우리의 불안과 함께 하느님의 예상치 못한 길 (앤드류 니콜스)

창세기 32년에 야곱은 라반을 떠나 집으로 돌아가라는 신의 명령을 따랐다. 하지만 그의 첩자들은 끔찍한 소식을 전한다. 태어나기 전 부터 그의 최고의 라이벌인 에서 400명의 남자를 만나러 나온다! "엄청난 두려움과 괴로움 속에서" 야곱은 자신의 생존 가능성을 극대화하려고 애쓰며, 찬란한 하느님의 중심, 겸손하고 궁핍한 모습으로 기도한다. 이 안에서, 나이든 이용객인 제이콥은 큰 성장을 보여준다! 이 강연에서 우리는 전체 성경 이야기 중에서 가장 괴이하고 가장 무서운 밤들 중 하나를 통해 하느님이 어떻게 그의 기도에 응답하는지를 보게 될 것이며, 우리는 구원을 받는 것에 대한 신의 이해가 항상 우리와 같지 않다는 것을 알게 될 것이다.

*브레이크아웃 세션
브레이크아웃 세션 1 옵션
명료도: Doubts Devour (마이크 이믈렛) | 개요 | 미끄럼틀

많은 기독교인들은 그들의 정신적 삶에 대한 강박적인 의심과 걱정으로 마비되어 평화와 목적, 기쁨을 빼앗는다. 이 워크숍은 역사적으로 "종교적 강박 장애"라는 이름으로 알려진 이 투쟁에 대한 희망으로 가득 찬 성서적 관점을 제공할 것이다."
불안한 아이들과 함께 일하는 실용적인 방법(줄리 로) | 슬라이드

불안은 어린이와 청소년의 삶에 만연해 있다.

주소 추천 0