Before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, we faced many changes. This change has driven people to situations where ordinary things they enjoy in their daily lives are constrained or they have to give up. One of them can be said to be a change in the way you meet and relate to people. There is a social atmosphere that connects the image of making decisions and responsible for something as an independent individual with the word "mature," but humans are built to survive in relationships. This means that humans are born and live in relationships and are built to mature in them. The pandemic situation has made this relationship impossible or changed into another form. This phenomenon has caused unexpected difficulties for humans who have to live in relationships. People are complaining of emotional difficulties and studies have reported that they actually have an impact. The church has long lived and changed together in the middle of human history. Sometimes it is the force that drives the change, and sometimes it has continued for thousands of years in response to the trend. It can be said that the era of untact of the pandemic faced by the current society and the difficulties of its members are important social changes that the church must respond to. What this study is interested in is the reason why it is trying to examine the possibility of counseling preaching for modern people who are struggling in the untact situation of the pandemic through preaching, a church asset, in front of these challenges. This is because in Protestant history, sermons have tried to comfort, exhort, and present biblical guidelines to people during periods of social upheaval. H. E. Fosdick, who sees this study as the starting point, recognized the need for counseling wisdom early on and actively attempted the possibility for effective preaching starting from the audience's life situation. This study examines the meaning of counseling preaching, the meaning of empathy in counseling sermons, and how "emphathetic imagination" and "non-mythological process" can be conveyed through sermons through biblical examples. I would like to deal with the possibility of effective counseling preaching that can comfort and exhort modern people who are suffering from disconnection and isolation in the non-face-to-face situation of the Untact era.