The purpose of this study is to suggest alternatives to Christian counseling applications through Christian counseling considerations on Gestalt contact boundary confusion. The results and significance of the research revealed through this study are as follows. First, it was possible to examine the psychological mechanisms of introjection, projection, confluence, retroflection, egotism and deflection that cause awareness, contact, and contact boundary confusion in the repetitive cycle of formation and resolution of human organic life. Second, it was possible to examine the symptoms and treatment methods through the biblical meaning of contact boundary confusion and the cases shown in the Bible. Third, in the spiritual realm, it was possible to consider Satan's interference, a factor that hinders awareness and contact with God. Fourth, it was possible to examine Gestalt counseling from a Christian counseling perspective and to express criticism and acceptance.
The above research results prove that contact with God is closely related to the relationship between others and society, transcending the I-boundary, as well as maintaining one's mental health and holistic change, by treating contact boundary confusion in Christian counseling.